*Program is closing in December 2019
Melissa Carroll, Temporary Program Director
Health & Life Sciences Building, Office 255, (540) 665-5517, mcarroll@su.edu
Mission Statement
The mission of the Shenandoah University Respiratory Care Program is to prepare and educate its students to become exemplary health care providers in the field of respiratory care.
Program Goals
The goal of the Shenandoah University Respiratory Care Program is to prepare graduates with demonstrated competence in the cognitive (knowledge), psychomotor (skills), and affective (behavior) learning domains of respiratory care practice as performed by respiratory care practitioners (RCPs).
Bachelor of Science in Respiratory Care
The Bachelor of Science Degree in Respiratory Care program is offered as an accelerated four-semester track. This track is available to students who do not hold any respiratory therapy credentials. Students must complete all program prerequisites, Shenandoah University general education requirements and free electives (for a minimum of 66 credit hours) before enrolling in any Respiratory Care courses. This is a sequenced program; no applications are being accepted at this time for the accelerated four-semester track. Admission to a second track, the former RT-to-BSRC online track, which provided already practicing respiratory therapists to continue their education and expand their professional development, is being temporarily suspended. This track has not been terminated, but no applications are being accepted at this time.
Program Requirements
Regulations on academic standing governing Shenandoah University students apply to respiratory care students along with the following additional requirements:
- Students must meet the physical requirement of SU’s clinical affiliates for essential job functions.
- Students are enrolled in the program subject to its policies and guidelines as outlined in the Respiratory Care Student Handbook, copies of which are available in the Respiratory Care program office and on Canvas.
- Students are responsible for arranging their own transportation to and from clinical facilities and between campus sites.
Entrance Requirements for the Accelerated Four-Semester Track
Course Title Credit Hours
Program Prerequisites
BIO 231 Human Anatomy and Physiology I 4
BIO 232 Human Anatomy and Physiology II 4
BIO 260 Microbiology 4
PHYS 111 College Physics 1 4
CHEM 121 General Chemistry 4
Total 20
Respiratory Care Courses
Fall Semester Junior Year
RC 307 Research and Ethics 2
RC 314 Patient Assessment and Simulation 2
RC 401 General Care Therapeutics Lab 2
RC 404 Chronic Cardiopulmonary Disease and Pharmacology 4
RC 410 Cardiorespiratory Physiology 3
RC 411 General Care Therapeutics 3
Total 16
Spring Semester Junior Year
RC 406 Acute Cardiopulmonary Disease and Pharmacology 4
RC 408 Mechanical Ventilation 3
RC 421 Emergency/Critical Care Therapeutics I 3
RC 414 Applied Respiratory Care I 4
Total 14
Summer Term Senior Year
RC 403 Respiratory Care Specialties and Diagnostics 2
RC 431 Emergency/Critical Care Therapeutics II 3
RC 418 Career Development 2
RC 424 Applied Respiratory Care II 5
Total 12
Fall Term Senior Year
RC 305 Foundations of Neonatal and Pediatric Respiratory Care 3
RC 419 Healthcare Management and Education 2
RC 420 Scholarship in Respiratory Care 2
RC 434 Applied Respiratory Care III 5
Total 12
Program Total 54