Jan 30, 2025  
2023-2024 Graduate Catalog 
2023-2024 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions


Other Courses




Applied Elective Study


Individual lessons for students to fulfill duration requirements as described in specific curriculum outlines. Open to students for non-curricular study as instructor time and studio space allow. Detailed course descriptions are obtained from the instructor at the first lesson or found in the handbook of the division offering the instruction.


Applied Major Study

Applied Major Study:

 : Individual lessons for students majoring in music to fulfill degree requirements as described in specific curriculum outlines. Detailed course descriptions are obtained from the instructor at the first lesson or found in the handbook of the division offering the instruction.

Applied Major Study:

APVO: Open only to students in the Doctor of Musical Arts in Pedagogy (Voice) curriculum.


Applied Minor Study


Individual lessons for students majoring in music or students minoring in music to fulfill degree requirements as described in specific curriculum outlines. Detailed course descriptions are obtained from the instructor at the first lesson or found in the handbook of the division offering the instruction.


Applied Performance Development

Applied study in a specific instrument designed to expand knowledge of repertoire and performance practice in idioms as determined by the applied instructor. Applied performance development is normally limited to students enrolled in guitar and applied jazz majors.


Applied Recital Study

Study designed to allow students to register for applied study if a recital is scheduled and curricular applied requirements have been met. Applied Recital Study carries an additional fee and may not be used to fulfill curricular requirements. Corequisite: Registration for applied recital.


Applied Score Reading

Development of skills related to reading open scores at the keyboard, including score reduction as appropriate. Choral and instrumental open scores are included along with study of transposition as related to instrumental scores.


Applied String Quartet

Ensemble coaching of an existing string quartet, auditioned and admitted as a group, with members of the Audubon String Quartet. Intensive study of professional string quartet rehearsal and performance techniques and covering a wide range of repertoire from Haydn to the 21st century. All instruction is in a group setting. Individual applied study, when desired, requires a separate and additional registration.


Applied Teaching Repertoire

Review of repertoire, ranging from early to advanced levels, appropriate for students of all ages. Instruction designed to provide knowledge and bibliographic information of repertoire for teaching in a studio where knowledge of all levels of difficulty is required. The course includes preparation of an annotated bibliography of specific materials, design of specific courses of study and compilations of recitals for students of varying ages.


Applied Teaching Techniques

Study of the pedagogical approaches related to a specific instrument, voice or area of applied study. Review of the sequential development of technique related to the performance medium. Instruction includes review of etude and technical materials or physical exercises related to individual pedagogical approaches appropriate to specific stages, ages, or grade levels. Observation of students at various levels of technical development, and observed introductory teaching experiences are included. The course includes preparation of an annotated bibliography of specific materials and an in-depth outline of specific courses of study with appropriate approaches and related etudes, solos, and supplementary material for each stage of development.


Athletic Training


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