Sep 27, 2024  
2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog 
2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions


Music Literature

  • MULT 272 Introduction to Performance Studies

    This course explores concepts of performance in both artistic and broader, sociocultural contexts. Through readings, discussions, performances and written expression, the class engages with multiple performances and addresses the following questions: What constitutes a performance in various arts? How are “good” and “bad” performances defined? What, if any, boundaries exist between audiences, creators, performers? How have scholars and performers theorized performance over time? How have concepts of performance been applied to political, social, and cultural contexts?  Credit(s): 3

  • MULT 273 History of Rock Music

    This course traces rock and roll from its roots in country, blues, and popular music to the present day. It examines cultural events such as the 1969 Woodstock festival, as well as specific genres, artists and topics, including the rise of MTV and the music video, rock music in Christian contexts, and alternative subgenres such as noise and college rock. By investigating how rock music illuminates issues such as gender, race, ethnicity, sexuality and other components of identity, students will gain knowledge of rock musical styles and cultural contexts. Credit(s): 3

  • MULT 274 Introduction to Music and Sound in Film

    This course introduces students to music and sound in film as a means of constructing meaning. This study of the history of music in film, from the silent film era to the present, including diegetic and non-diegetic sound, with examples from Hollywood and beyond will help students develop the tools for analyzing the interaction of sound and image and conveying their interpretations. Credit(s): 3

  • MULT 275 Western Art Music Appreciation

    This course is a survey of Western European art music representing all periods and genres with an emphasis on basic terminology and knowledge of standard musical works and stylistic periods. Credit(s): 3

  • MULT 277 Jazz History

    This course surveys the origin, development styles and major contributors of jazz through listening, analysis and research. Credit(s): 3

  • MULT 355 American Musical Theatre I

    This course covers the history and development of popular musical theatre in the United States from colonial times through 1942, including extravaganza, minstrelsy, revue, vaudeville, burlesque, operetta and early musical comedy. Credit(s): 3

  • MULT 356 American Musical Theatre II

    This course covers the history and development of popular musical theatre in the United States from 1943 through the present, including musical comedy, the musical play, the concept musical, the through-sung musical, foreign influences and modern trends. Credit(s): 3

  • MULT 365 Vocal Literature Seminar

    This course offers intensive study of a specific topic related to vocal literature.   Emphasis is placed upon in-depth study of selected repertoire and may include investigation of musical style, interpretation, poetic content, social historical context, performance practice and program building. Content varies from semester to semester.   Credit(s): 3

    Prerequisite(s): Completion of AP**200-level study.
  • MULT 370 Instrumental Solo Repertoire

    This course offers intensive study of a specific topic related to instrumental solo repertoire. Emphasis is placed upon in-depth study of selected repertoire and may include investigation of musical style, interpretation, social historical context, performance practice and program building. Content varies from semester to semester. Credit(s): 3

    Prerequisite(s): Completion of AP**200-level study.
  • MULT 371 Chamber Ensembles and Contemporary Trends

    This course offers intensive study of a specific topic related to chamber ensembles and contemporary trends. Emphasis is placed upon in-depth study of selected ensembles and includes forward-looking music creation and performance trends. Students investigate musical style, interpretation, social historical context, performance practice and program building. Content varies from semester to semester. Credit(s): 3

    Prerequisite(s): Completion of AP**200-level study.
  • MULT 380 Special Topics in Piano Literature

    This course provides an examination of special topics within the field of piano literature. Course content includes stylistic differences in representative piano works, analysis of forms, genres, style and the historical and sociological factors that motivated selected composers.   Credit(s): 3

    Prerequisite(s): Completion of AP**200-level study.
  • MULT 401 Symphonic Literature

    This course provides the students with a historical and analytical study of selected works from the Classical period to the present. Credit(s): 3

    Prerequisite(s): MULT 211  and MULT 212 
  • MULT 403 Brass Literature

    This course is a historical and analytical survey of solo literature and advanced method materials written for brass instruments. Credit(s): 3

  • MULT 407 Organ Literature I

    This course is a historical and analytical survey of organ literature. Credit(s): 2

  • MULT 408 Organ Literature II

    This course is a continuation of MULT 407 . Credit(s): 2

    Prerequisite(s): MULT 407 
  • MULT 409 Percussion Literature

    This course is a historical and analytical survey of percussion solo and ensemble music. Credit(s): 3

  • MULT 413 Woodwind Literature

    This course is a historical, analytical and pedagogical survey of solo and ensemble literature written for woodwind instruments, including solos with large ensemble accompaniment. The literature of each instrument is surveyed from the Baroque period through the 20th century period. Credit(s): 3

  • MULT 417 String Literature

    This course is a historical and analytical survey of literature for solo and chamber strings throughout the major historical musical periods. Credit(s): 3

  • MULT 420 Opera Literature

    This course offers a brief history of opera through the examination of major works in historical context, as well as a survey of opera repertoire through in-class performance and in and out of class listening. Students will develop individual repertoire reference materials. Credit(s): 3

  • MULT 433 Survey of Vocal Literature

    This course presents the history and development of the art song, including in-class performances and discussions. The song compositions of Italian, German, French, Spanish, Latin American, British and American composers will be covered. If time allows, Scandinavian, Russian and Slavic composers will be addressed as well. Performance and critical listening are the major emphases of the class. There will be assigned readings, a term paper with oral presentation and two songs by the composer chosen for the paper. Credit(s): 3

  • MULT 434 The Piano in Chamber Literature

    This course is a historical and analytical survey of repertoire for chamber ensemble with piano. Exploration through listening, reading and class discussion of works from the 17th century to present day. Credit(s): 2

  • MULT 435 Guitar Literature I

    This course is a historical and analytical survey of guitar literature from the Renaissance Era through the music of J. S. Bach. Credit(s): 2

  • MULT 436 Guitar Literature II

    This course is a historical and analytical survey of guitar literature from the Classical Era through the music of the 21st century. Credit(s): 2

  • MULT 441 The Piano Concerto

    This course will investigate the evolution and scope of this genre from its origins in the 18th century to the present. This course will examine compositional style, technical considerations and performance elements of the concerto as they relate to the development of piano repertoire and technique. Credit(s): 2

    Prerequisite(s): MULT 411  and MULT 412 
  • MULT 495 Special Topics

    This course is an investigation of a specialized topic within music literature. Credit(s): 1, 2 or 3 credits, dependent upon topic.

  • MULT 499 Individual Directed Research

    This course allows for guided individualized study of projects in music literature, which may be used to fulfill music electives only. Projects must be approved by the associate dean for faculty and academic affairs and the division chair and/or program coordinator prior to registration. Credit(s): 1, 2 or 3 credits, dependent upon topic.

Music Performance and Pedagogy

  • MUPP 110 Concert Production Practicum I

    This course provides students with the skills required to present a concert and manage one professional-quality event during the semester. Each student will serve as an assistant by partnering with a student in MUPP 310  for guided peer-to-peer learning. Credit(s): 0.5

  • MUPP 121 Beginning Guitar Class

    This is a class for anyone who would like to learn the basics of playing the guitar. The course will cover basic music reading, chord building, song accompaniment, playing solos and the guitar heritage. Credit(s): 1

  • MUPP 210 Movement for Musicians

    This course facilitates greater sensitivity and expressivity for musicians. Students will engage in class discussion, experiential learning and reflective assignments designed to explore movement reeducation and cross-training through a variety of dance and movement techniques. Emphasis is placed on improving movement efficiency while cultivating the body-mind connection for enhanced expressivity and artistry. Enrollment is limited to Music Performance majors only. One credit. Credit(s): 1

  • MUPP 216 Beginning Winds

    This course addresses fundamental playing techniques of brass and woodwind instruments. The focus includes a survey of teaching techniques and materials. Credit(s): 2

  • MUPP 217 Intermediate Winds

    This course addresses pedagogical techniques for teaching woodwind and brass instruments in private, small group and large ensemble settings. It is a synthesis of pedagogical concepts introduced in Beginning Winds. Credit(s): 2

    Prerequisite(s): MUPP 216 
  • MUPP 220 The Performer in the 21st Century

    This course is designed to introduce music students to a professional field that increasingly requires entrepreneurship and where a portfolio career is increasingly the dominant professional model. The wide variety of performance opportunities available to the contemporary musician will be addressed. Credit(s): 1

  • MUPP 221 The Entrepreneurial Musician

    This course provides the Entrepreneurial Musician the tools needed to thrive in today’s ever-changing music business: finding the people you are meant to impact with your art, building an online presence, marketing yourself effectively and making art the world truly cannot live without. Credit(s): 3

    Prerequisite(s): MUPP 220
  • MUPP 233 Voice Class

    Designed for non-voice majors, this course is a study of vocal physiology, diction, tone production and performance. Vocal literature, voice classification and vocal health will be discussed. Classes will be oriented toward performance improvement. Credit(s): 1

  • MUPP 239 Vocal Accompaniment

    This course provides practical experience through assigned accompanying responsibilities. Credit(s): 1

  • MUPP 241 Oboe Reed Making Class

    This course is a practical instruction in the gouging, shaping, tying and scraping of oboe reeds. Credit(s): 0

    Corequisite(s): Concurrent enrollment in APOB Applied Oboe 
  • MUPP 242 Bassoon Reed Making Class

    This course is a practical instruction in the profiling, shaping, forming, and scraping of bassoon reeds. Credit(s): 0

    Corequisite(s): Concurrent enrollment in APOB Applied Bassoon
  • MUPP 245 Jazz Improvisation and Repertoire Forum

    This course is devoted to the development of improvisation skills and repertoire-building for instrumental jazz musicians. Through listening, transcribing, analysis, scale and melodic formulae practice, and readings in jazz theory and jazz performance practice, students will explore the creation of improvised melodies in a jazz setting, using the standard repertoire as a basis for study. Students will also explore topics related to pedagogy. Credit(s): 2

    Prerequisite(s): MUTC 140
  • MUPP 263 Singers Diction I

    This course provides discussion and practice in the fundamentals of Latin and Italian pronunciation for singers utilizing the International Phonetic Alphabet. Performance of songs in these languages is required. Credit(s): 2

  • MUPP 264 Singers Diction II

    This course provides discussion and practice in the fundamentals of French and German pronunciation for singers utilizing the International Phonetic Alphabet. Performance of songs in these languages is required. Credit(s): 2

    Prerequisite(s): MUPP 263  
  • MUPP 270 Opera Studio

    The purpose of this course is to develop the expressive potential of the singer and to introduce students to the profession of opera and its demands on the artist. Through in-class performances, acting exercises, group activities and a culminating public performance project, students will be challenged to attain a higher level of expressivity in performance and also a clearer understanding of the career paths open to students pursuing the BM Performance (Voice) degree. Credit(s): 1

  • MUPP 271 Acting and Movement for Singers

    This course is designed to develop body awareness and theatrical acting skills for singers. An emphasis is placed on acting techniques and styles of movement. Culminates in a performance of a song or aria, using acting styles and movement techniques to create a fully formed, identifiable stage persona.  Credit(s): 3

    Prerequisite(s): MUPP 270
  • MUPP 300 Performance Seminar: Voice

    This course will present students with performance opportunities, lectures, master classes and other topics that support curricular offerings. This is a required course of all BM in Performance (Voice) majors during every semester of major study and is open electively to singers working toward the Performance Certificate in Voice. Enrollment is limited to BM in Performance (Voice) majors. Credit(s): 0.5

  • MUPP 301 Performance Seminar: Instrumental

    This course is an in-depth study of those issues relevant to a career as an instrumental performing artist. BM Performance (Instrumental) majors meet once weekly under the guidance of the Shenandoah Conservatory faculty as well as invited guest speakers to study and discuss topics relevant to a career as an instrumental performance major. Topics will vary from semester to semester. Enrollment is limited to BM in Performance (Instrumental) majors Credit(s): 0.5

    Corequisite(s): major applied lesson
  • MUPP 302 Performance Seminar: Keyboard

    This course is a weekly forum that explores issues related to repertoire selection, preparation and performance for both student and professional artists. Attendance at premiere concerts both on and off campus is required. Enrollment is limited to BM in Performance (Piano) and BM in Performance (Organ) majors. Credit(s): 0.5

  • MUPP 304 The Musical Child

    This course includes the study of chanting, singing, moving and playing in ensemble using voice, body percussion, pitched and unpitched percussion and recorder for elementary music classes. Instruction includes strategies that focus on composing, arranging and adapting music to meet the classroom needs and ability levels of school vocal/choral and general music students; skills in providing and directing creative experiences and improvising when necessary; and proficiency on appropriate accompanying instruments. Credit(s): 2

    Prerequisite(s): MUED 321 
  • MUPP 310 Concert Production Practicum II

    This course provides the opportunity for students to develop real-world skills required to present a concert in their junior or senior year of study. Each student will lead a project and manage one professional-quality event during the semester, partnering with a student in MUPP 110 for guided peer-to-peer learning. Credit(s): 0.5

    Prerequisite(s): MUPP 110 
  • MUPP 312 Composer Forum

    This course provides group instruction designed to work in tandem with private applied lessons in music composition. Coursework incorporates score study, reading seminars, research projects, lectures on composition-related topics and master classes with guest artists. Credit(s): 0.5

    Prerequisite(s): None
    Corequisite(s): Concurrent registration in applied composition lessons.
  • MUPP 313 Percussion Teaching Techniques

    This course addresses fundamental playing techniques of percussion instruments. Focus includes survey of teaching techniques and materials, competency in rehearsing and conducting instrumental ensembles. Credit(s): 1

  • MUPP 314 String Teaching Techniques

    This course addresses fundamental playing techniques of string instruments. It includes a survey of teaching techniques and materials, competency in rehearsing and conducting instrumental ensembles. Credit(s): 2

  • MUPP 320 Guitar Class

    This course addresses fundamentals of guitar playing. Basic chords strummed to familiar songs, with emphasis on folk song styles in order to provide sufficient skills for classroom instruction of guitar are introduced. Nylon string guitar preferred. Credit(s): 1

  • MUPP 328 Songwriting Seminar

    This required course will present students with performance opportunities, lectures, masterclasses and other topics that support curricular offerings in the Songwriting Certificate. Students enroll in the course two times.   Credit(s): .5

    Prerequisite(s): Enrollment is limited to students in the Songwriting Certificate program
  • MUPP 329 Songwriting

    This course explores the art and craft of songwriting. It includes the study of lyrics, rhythm, melody, harmony and song structure. Students develop creative songwriting projects in a variety of styles. Credit(s): 2

    Prerequisite(s): MUTC 115 Thinking in Key I
    Corequisite(s): MUPP 328 Songwriting Seminar
  • MUPP 341 Half Recital

    This course is the presentation of a half recital, including classical music and jazz performances, and may be undertaken by a Conservatory student after AP**200-level study has been completed. Students in non- Conservatory curricula may undertake a half recital after four semesters of study. The length of each half recital is not to exceed 25 minutes of music. Credit(s): 1

    Corequisite(s): Concurrent enrollment in applied study is required
  • MUPP 345 Fretboard Theory

    This course is the development of functional theoretical concepts on the guitar. Credit(s): 1

    Prerequisite(s): Completion of APGT 200-level study
  • MUPP 346 Piano Pedagogy

    This course introduces students to the materials, methods and repertoire for the successful teaching of the private piano student. Includes use of technology in piano teaching, observations and supervised teaching of beginning piano students. Credit(s): 3

    Prerequisite(s): Completion of AP**200-level study.
  • MUPP 355 Introduction to Vocal Pedagogy

    This course involves the study of anatomy and physiology of the vocal mechanism as applied to singing. Areas of study will include: posture and movement, respiration, phonation, resonation and articulation as they apply to both classical and CCM vocal production. Additional areas of study include a survey of vocal pedagogues from the early 17th century up to modern day. Practical application will include student teaching. Credit(s): 2

  • MUPP 365 Vocal Repertoire for Pianists and Singers I

    This course is a survey of vocal literature for pianists with a focus on solo and small ensemble song repertoire from its origins through the 18th century. This course emphasizes the role of the pianist as a collaborator and accompanist, the role of poetry and language in interpreting vocal repertoire, and accompanying challenges (including transposition). Credit(s): 1

    Prerequisite(s): Completion of APPN 200-level study
  • MUPP 366 Vocal Repertoire for Pianists and Singers II

    This course is a survey of vocal literature for pianists with a focus on solo and small ensemble song repertoire from the 19th century to the present day. This course emphasizes the role of the pianist as a collaborator and accompanist, the role of poetry and language in interpreting vocal repertoire, and accompanying challenges (including transposition). Credit(s): 1

    Prerequisite(s): MUPP 365 
  • MUPP 370 Opera Theatre Ensemble

    In this course, students will prepare short complete works and/or excerpts of larger works for public performances presented both on and off campus. An audition is required. Credit(s): 2

    Prerequisite(s): MUPP 270 
  • MUPP 371 Chamber Opera Production

    Students enrolled in this course will prepare a chamber opera for public performance. An audition is required. Credit(s): 2

  • MUPP 405 Organ Pedagogy

    This course serves as an introduction to the methods of private instruction, analysis of teaching, problems and investigation of graded literature. Credit(s): 2

  • MUPP 406 Guitar Pedagogy I

    This class is designed for students to explore and discuss the important classical guitar methods of the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries, as well as monographs and articles on pedagogical topics in significant guitar journals. Credit(s): 2

    Prerequisite(s): APGT 202 or APGT 203
  • MUPP 407 Guitar Pedagogy II

    This class is designed for students to apply pedagogical principles from MUPP 406  as they are used to develop student performance skills in a sequential and progressive way in the studio. Credit(s): 2

    Prerequisite(s): APGT 202 or APGT 203 and MUPP 406 
  • MUPP 410 Advanced MT Vocal Techniques I

    This course is designed to give students the advanced technical and stylistic tools necessary to perform musical theatre repertoire at a professional level, while also being able to impersonate and emulate pop/rock artists to be competitive in the market place. Credit(s): 1.5

    Prerequisite(s): APVO 303, Applied Voice

    Corequisite(s): TH 404  

  • MUPP 411 Advanced MT Vocal Techniques II

    This course allows students to present their musical theatre and pop/rock songs in a wide range of audition settings (including cruise ships, regional theatre, national tours and Broadway shows). Credit(s): 1.5

    Prerequisite(s): MUPP 410, Advanced MT Vocal Techniques I
    Corequisite(s): APVO 401
  • MUPP 440 Full Recital

    This course is a presentation of a full recital, including solo classical, accompanying and/or jazz performances, and may be undertaken at any time after AP** 300-level is begun by Conservatory students. Non-Conservatory students may undertake a full recital after six semesters of study. Credit(s): 2

    Corequisite(s): Concurrent enrollment in applied study is required
  • MUPP 445 Senior Performance Recital Project

    This course is the culmination of four years of study in music theory, music literature, applied lessons, ensemble, entrepreneurial thinking and collaboration. It requires the student to research, prepare, program and collaborate to present a successful senior performance project, revealing advanced musicianship, individual artistic identity and skillful audience engagement.  

      Credit(s): 2

    Prerequisite(s): AP** 300-level

    MUPP 341
    Corequisite(s): Concurrent enrollment in applied study is required.

  • MUPP 495 Special Topics

    This course is an investigation of a specialized topic within music performance and pedagogy. Credit(s): 1, 2 or 3 credits, dependent upon topic.

    Prerequisite(s): will vary with topic
  • MUPP 498 Internship

    This course is an internship or practical training in an area of performance or future employment conducted under the supervision of a member of the faculty. Credit(s): 1

  • MUPP 499 Individual Directed Research

    This course allows for guided individualized study of projects in music performance and pedagogy, which may be used to fulfill music electives only. Projects must be approved by the associate dean for faculty and academic affairs and the division chair and/or program coordinator prior to registration. Credit(s): 1, 2 or 3 dependent upon topic.

Music Production and Recording Technology

  • MUPR 101 Recording Systems: Design and Application I

    This course acquaints musicians with appropriate applications of hardware used to record musical performances. Credit(s): 2

  • MUPR 111 Critical Listening

    This course allows students to develop critical listening skills through analysis of musical styles and recording techniques. Credit(s): 1

    Corequisite(s): MUPR 101 
  • MUPR 112 Recording Systems: Design and Application II

    This course is a continuation of MUPR 101 . Learning modules include aspects and applications of recording studio techniques, including editing, session setups, mixing, console flow logic, patch bay applications and microphone placement. Two hours of studio time per week accompany the class. Credit(s): 2

    Prerequisite(s): MUPR 101 
    Corequisite(s): MUPR 122 
  • MUPR 115 Advanced Critical Listening

    This course is designed for students to develop advanced critical listening skills through analysis of musical styles and recording techniques. This course is a continuation of the material learned in MUPR 111  and serves as an elective. Credit(s): 1

    Prerequisite(s): MUPR 101  and MUPR 111 
  • MUPR 122 Recording Systems: Studio Time

    This course provides a laboratory experience to parallel the content of MUPR 112 . Small weekly group sessions provide practical experience with equipment and techniques utilized in MUPR 112 . A studio recording fee is assessed. Credit(s): 0.5

    Prerequisite(s): MUPR 101 
    Corequisite(s): MUPR 112 
  • MUPR 151 Pro Tools I

    This course serves as an introduction to Pro Tools Software and will culminate in a final recording project. This course has a lab component. Credit(s): 1

  • MUPR 202 Sound Reinforcement

    This course is a study of equipment used for musical sound reinforcement, including small, large, portable and fixed systems. Students will learn specifications of instrumentation, nature of music performed and location, setup, microphone placement and equipment selection. Credit(s): 2

    Prerequisite(s): MUPR 112 
  • MUPR 231 Remote Recording Practicum I

    This course provides a practical application of remote recording techniques in recitals and other concerts. Students will serve as sound technicians and will assist with remote recording sessions. Credit(s): 2

    Prerequisite(s): MUPR 101 
  • MUPR 232 Remote Recording Practicum II

    This course is a continuation of MUPR 231 . Students will show practical application of remote recording techniques in recitals and other concerts while working as a sound technician on remote recording sessions. The student will gain recording experience through hands-on application. Demonstration and discussion of equipment and techniques will assist in student choices of recording techniques. Simple troubleshooting will be included. Credit(s): 1

    Prerequisite(s): MUPR 112 , MUPR 151  and MUPR 231 
  • MUPR 252 Pro Tools II

    This course is a continuation of MUPR 151  and expands upon the basic principles taught in Pro Tools I. Students will be introduced to core concepts and skills needed to operate a Pro Tools system running large sessions. Credit(s): 1

    Prerequisite(s): MUPR 101  and MUPR 151  
  • MUPR 302 Digital and Advanced Recording

    This course is a continuation of MUPR 112 . Learning modules will include aspects and application of digital audio recording and principles of digital audio. Students will work with computer software programs such as Pro Tools and Cubase, which including editing, recording and MIDI. Two hours of studio time per week accompany this class. Enrollment is limited to students who have successfully passed Sophomore Screening. Credit(s): 2

    Prerequisite(s): MUPR 112 
    Corequisite(s): MUPR 322 
  • MUPR 311 Tonmeister Seminar

    This course consists of study and application of the aesthetics of Tonmeister technology by recording various student and/or faculty performing ensembles. Enrollment is limited to students who have successfully passed Sophomore Screening. Credit(s): 1

  • MUPR 322 Digital and Advanced Recording: Studio Time

    This course provides a laboratory experience to parallel the content of MUPR 302 . Small weekly group sessions provide practical experience with equipment and techniques utilized in MUPR 302 . A studio recording fee is assessed. Enrollment is limited to students who have successfully passed Sophomore Screening. Credit(s): 0.5

    Prerequisite(s): MUPR 112 
    Corequisite(s): MUPR 302 
  • MUPR 330 Sound Reinforcement Practicum

    This course provides practical application of equipment used for sound reinforcement, including small, large, portable and fixed systems. Students will learn specifications of instrumentation, nature of music performed and location, setup, microphone placement and equipment selection, as well as gain a practical application through working as a sound technician for a variety of on-campus performances in a variety of venues. Credit(s): 1

    Prerequisite(s): MUPR 202  
  • MUPR 341 Basic Electronics

    This course is a survey of basic electronics for the recording studio. Theoretical concepts of voltage, current, resistance, capacitance and inductance are developed. Enrollment is limited to students who have successfully passed Sophomore Screening. Credit(s): 2

  • MUPR 342 Studio Systems: Maintenance and Networking

    This course provides students with the opportunity to develop skills in the use of test equipment for preventative maintenance and equipment calibration, computer maintenance and networking. Trouble shooting and basic repair procedures are included. Credit(s): 2

    Prerequisite(s): MUPR 341 
  • MUPR 345 Technical Writing for Audio

    This course facilitates development of technical writing skills for the professional audio and music industry. Course content includes writing skills for technical operation manuals, equipment reviews and how-to operation articles. Students will complete a writing project and submit it for electronic or print publication. Enrollment is limited to students who have successfully passed Sophomore Screening. Credit(s): 2

  • MUPR 351 MIDI and Electronic Music Synthesis

    In this course students will learn electronic music concepts and synthesis, techniques, and hardware, including MIDI and MIDI software, basic digital equipment and computers. Credit(s): 3

    Prerequisite(s): MUPR 101 or MUTC 115
  • MUPR 355 Digital Audio Workstations

    This course is designed for students to develop core skills and an understanding of workflow for digital audio workstations. Credit(s): 2

    Prerequisite(s): MUPR 101  and MUPR 252 
  • MUPR 365 Pro Tools III: Game Audio

    This course allows students to develop core skills as well as an understanding of workflow and concepts involved in creating and implementing game audio using Pro Tools systems. The course content includes basic sound design techniques for both Macintosh and Windows operating systems. Credit(s): 2

    Prerequisite(s): MUPR 101  and MUPR 252 
  • MUPR 401 Music Production I

    This course is intended for students who expect to be in a recording studio as a musician, writer or producer. Learning modules will include a study of console mixing from multi-track to stereo or mono format, using multiband equalization, pan pots, reverberation and outboard effects such as compressors and limiters. A one-hour lab will accompany the course and provide a laboratory supplement to the work done concurrently in Music Production I. Enrollment is limited to students who have successfully passed Sophomore Screening. Credit(s): 2.5

    Prerequisite(s): MUPR 302  and MUPR 351  and Sophomore Screening
    Corequisite(s): MUPR 421  
  • MUPR 402 Music Production II

    This course is a continuation of MUPR 401 , culminating in a final project which the student must compose, produce and record. Areas of study include console mixing from multi-track to stereo or mono format, using multi-band equalization, pan pots, reverberation and outboard effects such as compressors and limiters. A one-hour lab will accompany the course. Credit(s): 2.5

    Prerequisite(s): MUPR 401 
    Corequisite(s): MUPR 422 
  • MUPR 405 Surround Sound Seminar

    This course allows students to develop the technical and artistic skills to produce 5.1 surround sound effects and sonic wallpaper for use in theatrical and live sound venues. Students will determine sonic requirements for a production, create original sound effects recording and mixing in 5.1 surround, and demonstrate surround playback technology and methods for various artistic venues. Enrollment is limited to students who have successfully passed Sophomore Screening. Credit(s): 2

    Prerequisite(s): MUPR 302 , MUPR 330  and MUPR 342 
  • MUPR 412 Mastering Techniques

    This course allows students to develop core skills and an understanding of workflow and the concepts involved in mastering final mixes of recordings. Students will process a collection of recordings making musical and technical choices that result in a cohesive sound product. Credit(s): 2

    Prerequisite(s): MUPR 401 
  • MUPR 421 Music Production I: Studio Time

    This course provides a laboratory experience to parallel the content of MUPR 401 . Small weekly group sessions provide practical experience with equipment and techniques utilized in MUPR 401 . A studio recording fee is assessed.  Credit(s): 1

    Prerequisite(s): MUPR 302  and MUPR 351  
    Corequisite(s): MUPR 401  
  • MUPR 422 Music Production II: Studio Time

    This course provides a laboratory experience to parallel the content of MUPR 402 . Small weekly group sessions provide practical experience with equipment and techniques utilized in MUPR 402 . A studio recording fee is assessed. Enrollment is limited to students who have successfully passed Sophomore Screening. Credit(s): 1

    Prerequisite(s): MUPR 421 
    Corequisite(s): MUPR 402 
  • MUPR 431 Sound Design and Sound Reinforcement for Theatre

    This course is designed for students to develop the technical and artistic skills needed to produce and design sound for use in theatrical and live sound venues. Students will determine sonic requirements for various theatrical productions and select equipment and methods to be used. Enrollment is limited to students who have successfully passed Sophomore Screening. Credit(s): 2

    Prerequisite(s): MUPR 302 , MUPR 330  and MUPR 342  
  • MUPR 441 Copyright and Music Supervision

    This course is designed for students to develop an understanding of all aspects of the work of music supervision for films and television shows; the role of the music supervisor; the creative and legal procedures of hiring composers; producing music and licensing music for film and TV; and to examine the past, present and future of worldwide copyright laws. Enrollment is limited to students who have successfully passed Sophomore Screening. Credit(s): 3

  • MUPR 445 Advanced Electronics

    This course allows students to gain more experience working with electronics through audio projects. The course material will help students become familiar with various equipment and how to service and modify audio equipment. Enrollment is limited to students who have successfully passed Sophomore Screening. Credit(s): 2

    Prerequisite(s): MUPR 232  and MUPR 341 

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