POLICY - Scholarship: Research And Creative Activity Scholarship is defined as a broad range of intellectual and creative activities that result in the continued development of knowledge. Scholarship and continued professional development are essential for effective teaching. Scholarly and creative activities promote the intellectual, professional and artistic development of faculty members, while enhancing the contribution that the faculty members make to the mission of the university and to the development of their discipline. In particular, publication and off-campus professional activities bring the faculty member into contact with other artists, professionals and scholars who are dedicated to the advancement of the discipline in academic settings while also demonstrating faculty members’ commitment to advancements in their field.
All of the items listed below are considered evidence of ongoing scholarly and creative activities.
Articles |
- Peer-reviewed research articles
- Other peer-reviewed articles
- Non-peer-reviewed articles
- Editorial articles
- Reviews
Books and Monographs |
- Authored books relevant to applicant’s discipline
- Authored book chapter
Ongoing Research Activities |
- Investigator initiated research
- lab-based research
- clinical research
- field-based research
- epidemiological research
- qualitative research
- Case studies
Performances |
- Solo or small group performances
- Conducting or directing a performance
- International, national and regional performances. Repeated performance of an original composition can demonstrate that the work may become significant in the repertoire
- Invitational concerts
- Original compositions, stage production or choreography
- Published works (rentals from a publishing house are considered published work)
Presentations |
- Peer or professional reviewed presentations
- Workshops/panelist/seminars/posters
- Invited presentations
Exhibitions |
- Juried or professionally reviewed art or historical exhibitions
- Invitational and non-juried art or historical exhibitions
- Curated art or historical exhibitions for galleries and museums
Special Recognition/Achievement |
- External awards for scholarship
- Internal awards for scholarship
Pedagogical Scholarship |
- Peer or professionally reviewed presentation or article related to pedagogy
Grants |
- Peer or professionally reviewed research grants
- Peer or professionally reviewed training grants
- Grants and contracts (non-peer-reviewed support)
- Shenandoah University supported grants
- Academic/industry (business) collaborative research
Consulting |
- Consulting may be considered scholarship if the activity is scholarly in nature and is made widely available to the profession and/or the public
The following outlines the minimum expectations of scholarly activity for faculty by rank. The items listed should be considered as necessary for promotion but not by themselves sufficient evidence of scholarly productivity. It is the responsibility of the applicant to provide clear evidence of the achievement of these scholarly expectations in the portfolio.
Rank |
The faculty member: |
Instructor to Assistant Professor |
- has at least one of the items in the complete list of evaluated scholarly activities that was substantially done and completed while at the rank of Instructor.
Assistant to Associate Professor |
- has one or more of the following items that were substantially done and completed while at the rank of Assistant Professor:
- accepted or in print peer-reviewed article in a professional journal or peer-reviewed academic book chapter relevant to the applicant’s discipline
- published peer-reviewed academic book relevant to the applicant’s discipline by a professionally recognized publisher or professional organization
- creative publication (e.g., music recording, novel, or collection of poetry or fiction) with recognition or review in professional venues appropriate to the type of work
- peer or professionally reviewed artistic performance or exhibition relevant to the applicant’s discipline at a significant state, regional, national or international venue that reflects appropriate professional recognition and artistic accomplishment for the discipline
Associate to Full Professor |
- has two or more items from one or more of these three activities that were substantially done and completed while at the rank of Associate Professor:
- accepted or in print peer-reviewed article in a professional journal or peer-reviewed academic book chapter relevant to the applicant’s discipline
- published peer-reviewed academic book relevant to the applicant’s discipline by a professionally recognized publisher or professional organization
- creative publication (e.g., music recording, novel, or collection of poetry or fiction) with recognition or review in professional venues appropriate to the type of work
- peer or professionally reviewed artistic performance or exhibition relevant to the applicant’s discipline at a significant state, regional, national or international professional venue that reflects appropriate professional recognition and artistic accomplishment for the discipline
Career Faculty Contract |
- must meet the scholarship expectations of the current rank
The following items should be included in the Scholarship section of the portfolio:
(Section amended by FEC & Approved by Academic Cabinet 12/14; added to handbook 11/3/15)
● Scholarly activity philosophy and focus to include relationship between scholarship and teaching.
● Reflective self-assessment of scholarly activity to include goals related to scholarship; assessment of goal achievement; and efforts directed toward improving performance in relevant components as listed above. This should include a description and explanation of personal and professional development for the past four years.
● Evidence of past and ongoing scholarship from the list of scholarly activities
Revision Dates: (Revised by Faculty Senate August 2010)
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