Feb 01, 2025
POLICY - Advancement in Rank Recommendation is made by dean to provost; approval is given by provost and president.
- Clinical Instructor: Entry-level degree, appropriate licensure, years or experience are school/division dependent. Supervises students in clinical settings.
- Clinical Lecturer: As above, but three years clinical experience required. Limited instruction in areas of expertise.
- Distinguished Clinical Lecturer: As above, national visibility and long term of distinguished service to a health profession. Present single or occasional lecture.
- Clinical Assistant Professor: As above, years of experience school/division dependent. Responsible for an entire course.
- Clinical Associate Professor: As above, research/publication record, advanced degree/clinical specialty certification, outstanding clinical and/or teaching history.
- Clinical Professor: Terminal professional doctoral degree or terminal professional degree and doctorate in related discipline, sustained and high level of performance in classroom or clinical teaching and/or research (one of three), or 10 years with Shenandoah University.
- Distinguished Clinical Professor: Meet requirement of clinical professor rank, have national/international visibility, minimum five years service to SU.
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