POLICY 4.5.1 - Professor Emeritus Professor/Librarian Emeritus is an honorary title, awarded for long and significant service to the University.
Persons who hold the rank of Associate Professor or Professor at the time of retirement may be nominated for the position of Professor Emeritus. Qualifications normally include at least 20 years involvement in the field, with at least five on the faculty of Shenandoah University and a distinguished record of service within the discipline.
After a candidate is nominated by the faculty for this honorary title, the nomination is to be supported in writing by faculty colleagues in the department/division, the division chair, the dean, and the provost. After the president approves the candidate, the president will make a recommendation to the Board of Trustees’ Academic Affairs Committee, who will vote on the recommendation.
Professional librarians with faculty status who hold the rank of Librarian III or Senior Librarian at the time of retirement may be nominated for the position of Librarian Emeritus. Qualifications normally include at least 20 years involvement in the field with at least five with faculty status at Shenandoah University and a distinguished record of service within the discipline.
After a candidate is nominated by the library faculty for this honorary title, the nomination is to be supported in writing by library faculty colleagues in the department, the library director and the provost. After the president approves the candidate, the president will make a recommendation to the Board of Trustees’ Academic Affairs Committee, who will vote on the recommendation.
The privileges of the Emeritus position include office space and secretarial service where available and appropriate for those persons continuing to provide active service to the institution, access to faculty parking areas on the campus where available, continuation of selected insurance programs as approved at the time of retirement, and guarantee of available tickets for events on campus at the same rate as that guaranteed full-time faculty.
Persons selected for this honor will be included in the listing of faculty for all main events on campus and in all publications. The rank at the time of retirement will be listed with the individual’s name and discipline in these publications.
Additional privileges to include:
- same library borrowing privileges as regular faculty
- issuing a permanent ID card indicating status as an emerita/emeritus member of the faculty
- listing of the name of emeriti faculty in the campus commencement program at the time of retirement;
- awarding of a certificate of emerita/emeritus status at the time of retirement
- opportunity to receive printed cards which designate emeritus status
- attendance at public university functions and celebrations
- affirming the academic mission of the university, such as commencement
- invited to serve in a consultative capacity to the school or university
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