Sep 19, 2024  
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog 
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Withdrawal Policies

Withdrawal from a course
Academic Hiatus
Withdrawal from the University
Medical withdrawal from the University

Withdrawal from a Course

Students may withdraw from individual classes with the permission of the advisor and receive a grade of “W” that will appear on the student’s transcript but will not be computed in the quality point average. The withdrawal period will end 28 calendar days prior the beginning of the final examination period. After the withdrawal period, the student may not withdraw from a course for any reason related to academic performance.  Dates of the withdrawal period will appear in the university’s Academic Calendar. This policy should be implemented in conjunction with the progression policies of individual schools and divisions within the university.

Drop and Withdrawal Policy for Summer Terms

Due to the varying length of summer term courses, the following Drop and Withdrawal policies shall apply to summer terms.

Dropping a Summer Term Course:

  • Courses meeting less than one and up to two weeks: Any drop must be prior to the first day of class.
  • Courses meeting three to four weeks: First day of class and the following business day.
  • Courses meeting five to six weeks: First day of class and the following two business days.
  • Courses meeting seven to eight weeks: First day of class and the following three business days.
  • Courses meeting nine or more weeks: First day of class and the following four business days.

Withdrawal from a Summer Term Course

A summer course withdrawal is based on the length of the course. For courses running less than two weeks, the withdrawal period is the first day of class and the following business day.

For courses running longer than two weeks, a student is able to withdraw from a summer course prior to 60 percent of course completion. A student is entitled to a full refund on a course when it is dropped prior to the published drop date for the specific course.

After the drop date, a student is entitled to a prorated refund based on the course dates only if they withdraw from all of their courses for the same summer term and it is within the first 60 percent of the term. However, if a student is registered for two or more courses and withdraws from only one course, no proration of tuition occurs.

Academic Hiatus from the University 

As an alternative to withdrawal, students who are in good academic standing and plan to return to the University may request an Academic Hiatus for up to one year as defined by your program. This allows students to maintain their access to their student records, Hornet Hub and email accounts while they are away.  During a hiatus the student’s program will remain active but the student will not be classified as enrolled. Students considering hiatus should meet with their academic advisor and Financial Aid. Requests for Academic Hiatus will be coordinated through the Office of University Advising and will require school and program approval as designated by the school’s Dean.

Students who choose to go on Hiatus may request to keep their iM Learning Equipment until they return, maximum 2 semesters. If a student chooses to keep their equipment they will be charged the iMLearning Equipment fee per term while they are on Hiatus. Students on Hiatus are not eligible for financial aid. Students must be enrolled at least half-time to receive financial aid. 

If you choose to buy your equipment, you will still be charged the mandatory iMLearning Fee when you return as a full-time undergraduate student or are in a graduate program in which the iMLearning fee is a mandatory fee. If you do not return to Shenandoah, you will be required to either purchase or return your iMLearning equipment prior to the start of your stated return term.


Withdrawing from the University

To withdraw from Shenandoah University at any time during the academic year, a student is required to obtain a Withdrawal form from the Office of Student Support Services.This form must be completed and returned to that office in order for the withdrawal to be processed in an accurate and timely manner. A student who fails to withdraw properly may receive failing grades in all currently enrolled courses and may be ineligible for a proration of tuition and fees as described below.

Students may withdraw from the university up to 14 calendar days before the end of a regular (fall/spring) semester and will receive grades of W for their courses.

Tuition Proration Policy

Students withdrawing from the university during the published add/drop period will be fully refunded tuition, fees and housing charges. Students may be eligible to receive a portion of awarded federal financial aid.  Students are not eligible to receive a portion of state and/or institutional aid.  

For students withdrawing after the add/drop period, tuition will be pro-rated accordingly. The amount of tuition will be calculated on a pro rata basis through 60 percent of the term. After 60 percent of the term has been completed, the student will be responsible for all tuition charges assessed. Tuition charges and awarded financial aid will be prorated based on the official withdrawal date as determined by the last date a student participated in an academically related activity.

The determination of the payment period attended by the student will be calculated as follows: Number of days completed divided by the total number of days in the term =   the % of term completed.

This percentage will determine the amount of tuition charges that the student is responsible for paying. If the percentage is 60 percent or higher, the student is responsible for 100 percent of tuition charges assessed.

Distribution of Financial Aid Funds

Financial aid funds applied to a student’s account will be returned to the appropriate program in accordance with mandatory federal, state, private organizations and Shenandoah University requirements. Any remaining amount of credit will then be applied to unpaid charges on the student’s account with any remaining funds being refunded to the student. It is possible for students whose accounts were paid in full at the start of a term to owe payment for the balance of charges after the return of financial aid funds.  

Special Purpose Fees — Charged When Applicable

Withdrawal Fee ($110): Charged to all students who withdraw from the university after the add/drop period and within the first 60 percent of the term.

Curriculum/Mandatory Fee Refund Policy

Curriculum/mandatory fees are refunded only to students who withdraw during the add/drop period. For students who withdraw after the add/drop period for medical and non-medical reasons, curriculum/mandatory fees are non-refundable.

Medical Withdrawals


PURPOSE: This policy is intended for students who need to withdraw from Shenandoah University for Physical or Mental Health Reasons which is a Medical Withdrawal.  A medical withdrawal is not considered a conduct action.

POLICY:  A student may request a medical withdrawal from Shenandoah University (SU) when serious physical or mental health issues prevent the student from continuing coursework and “incompletes” or other arrangements with instructors are not possible.  A request for a medical withdrawal can only be considered when this request is for withdrawing from the university.  This policy does not address withdrawal from individual classes. The issue of individual class withdrawal is addressed in the withdrawal section of the graduate and undergraduate catalog.  Requests for a medical withdrawal require thorough and credible documentation by the appropriate healthcare provider.  

Regardless of reason, a student experiencing physical or mental health issues, should seek the appropriate advice from a  licensed Healthcare Provider. The student will be obligated to adhere to the readmission requirements outlined in section G of this policy if they desire to return to Shenandoah University after the condition has been treated and resolved.

Involuntary Medical Withdrawal
Shenandoah University may require a student to take an involuntary medical withdrawal, if in the judgment of the Health or Counseling Services Administrator, the student (a) poses a threat to the lives or safety of themselves or other members of the Shenandoah community; (b) has a medical or psychological problem which cannot be properly treated in the University setting; or (c) has displayed a medical condition or behavior that seriously interferes with the student’s ability to function and/or seriously interferes with the educational pursuits of other members of the Shenandoah community. Threat risk is evaluated using the NABITA FOUR PART DIRECT THREAT TEST. 
  1. Individualized and objective assessment of the student’s ability to safely participate in the college’s program; 

  2. To rise to the level of a direct threat, there must be a high probability of substantial harm and not just a slightly increased, speculative, or remote risk;

  3. This assessment must be based on a reasonable medical judgment relying on the most current medical knowledge or the best available objective (nonmedical) evidence;

  4. The assessment must determine: The nature, duration, and severity of the risk; The probability that the potentially threatening injury will actually occur; and Whether reasonable modifications of policies, practices, or procedures(accommodations) would sufficiently mitigate the risk. 

In making the decision to require a student to take a medical withdrawal, the Health or Counseling Services Administrator will act out of concern for the student and their rights, concern for the other students, and concern for the University as a whole. The Administrator will consider whether the University is able to provide the level of care and guidance needed, whether there is a likelihood that the student will pose a threat to themselves or others, and/or to what extent the student’s condition/behaviors seriously interfere with the rights of others in the community to carry on their educational pursuits. 

Voluntary Medical Withdrawal

A student may request a medical withdrawal from the university for physical or mental health reasons contingent upon university approval.  The withdrawal procedures are listed in sections A-D.


Voluntary Medical Withdrawal Guidelines
Students must adhere to the medical withdrawal guidelines listed in Section A below.  Students must be approved for fitness to return to campus through the process described in section G.  

A. Initiation of Request for Voluntary Medical Withdrawal

To initiate a medical withdrawal, a student must discuss with the Associate Director of Retention and Student Success to complete the medical withdrawal request form (Request for Withdrawal for Medical Reasons).  The student’s health care provider must confirm in writing a written recommendation that the student withdraw from Shenandoah University because of medical (physical and/or mental health) reasons.  This documentation must be written on the healthcare professional’s business letterhead and forwarded to the Wellness Center by U.S. mail or fax.  The fax number is 540-665-5576.

B.   Determination of Request

Only after a recommendation to approve or disapprove is submitted by either the Health Services or Counseling Services Administrator will the Provost make a decision to approve or disapprove the medical withdrawal request.  The Provost will provide written documentation of this approval to the appropriate Health or Counseling Services Administrator.

After a student has been approved for a medical withdrawal, the Associate Director of Retention and Student Success will notify the appropriate Shenandoah University departments.

A copy of the decision and all documentation will be maintained in the student’s electronic health record located in the Wilkins Wellness Center. 

C. Deadline for application for Medical Withdrawal Status

A request for medical withdrawal for the current semester must be completed with appropriate documentation from the licensed healthcare provider within twenty-five (25) calendar days from the last date the student was engaged in an academic-related activity.  The attendance record will be verified through the Financial Aid Office.

D. Effective Date of Medical Withdrawal Status

The effective date of the medical withdrawal will be the last day the student attended class which will be verified by the Financial Aid Office.

E. Length of Medical Withdrawal Status

Students in good social and academic standing who withdraw from the university for no more than two consecutive terms (12 calendar months) are not required to reapply, but may register for courses following the normal procedure once approved for return (see section H).  

Students who withdraw from the university for more than two consecutive terms (12 calendar months) and wish to return must re-apply for admission.   

Readmission may not be applicable to certain graduate programs, students should check with their program coordinator prior to a voluntary medical withdrawal (Associate Dean, Program Director, etc.).  Readmission is not automatically guaranteed; the student may need to reapply for admission into that program, any prior progress may be lost.

F.  Brief Emergency Mental Health Treatment

If a student has been treated in an emergency room or hospital for an emergency mental health issue and is being referred for further treatment, it is the student’s responsibility to provide medical clearance from their provider to the Counseling Services Administrator.  Students are not to return to campus and continue with coursework until this documentation is received by the Counseling or Health Services Administrator.   This written documentation must provide a student’s “fitness for returning” details in Item G. In addition, a medical hold (PERC) from the WWC will be placed on the student’s records by Wilkins Wellness Center until all documentation is received. A student should continue to have access to their email account for email communication. 

G. Determination of Fitness for Return to Campus

The granting of medical withdrawal by the University does not guarantee that the student will be permitted to return.  A student requesting to return from medical withdrawal will be asked to sign a release (see form below) authorizing the Health Services or Counseling Services Administrator to communicate with the physician as well as with persons at the University involved in determining the student’s fitness to return.  A committee made up of SU faculty that includes: Dean of the academic program the student was enrolled in, the WC and/or CC Director, a faculty member, the Director of Residence Life (if student lives on campus), The Director of Student Success, and The Director of Student Conduct will meet (whether in person or virtual) with the student and their representation to review the student’s request to return within 5 days of the initial request being made. 

The student on medical withdrawal who wishes to return must initiate a request for reinstatement by completing the Request to Re-Enroll following Withdrawal from the University and submit to the university’s Wellness Center (attention: Health Services or Counseling Services Administrator) The form (see Request to Re-enroll) should include the following information detailing what was accomplished during their absence from their physician, psychiatrist, and/or other mental health provider using the form.  Specifically, this form completed by the student and the student’s physician or psychiatrist needs to address the following: 

  1. The specific diagnosis that precipitated the need for care; 

  2. The treatment plan for this specific diagnosis; 

  3. Gains that were made as a result of the treatment; 

  4. The readiness of the student to return to the many demands of being a student; 

  5. Any special conditions under which the student should be allowed to return/readmitted; 

  6. And a recommended treatment plan to support the student’s transition back to campus. 

  7. Student success plan.

The student must provide this documentation from their health care provider concerning current medical status by August 1 to be considered for approval to return for the fall semester, or by December 1 to be considered for approval to return for the spring semester, or by May 10  for the summer semester. A failure to meet these deadlines will result in not being able to re-enroll until the following term.

In order for the students to return to and remain in classes, the university reserves the right to require the student to be cooperating with ongoing medical and/or psychological treatment as well as other necessary stipulations and may require regular reports of treatment compliance.  All information will be reviewed by the Health Services or Counseling Services Administrator and a determination of fitness to return will be made to the Provost, who will make a final decision regarding the request.  The Provost will provide written documentation of this approval to the appropriate Health or Counseling Services Administrator.Students should be aware that each school may have its own requirements for re-admission in addition to what is outlined in this policy.  

The Health Services or Counseling Services Administrator will maintain the documentation in the student’s medical record and notify the Student Success  of the decision.  The Wilkins Wellness Center will notify the student.  The Associate Director of Retention and Student Success will notify the appropriate Shenandoah University departments.  The decision to readmit a student from medical withdrawal is a provisional judgment that may be reversed if the student fails to be a responsible member of the Shenandoah University community.

Students should be aware that each School may have its own requirements for re-admission in addition to what is outlined by the University policy.  Students should refer to their respective Student Handbooks for additional details. 

H. Class Registration

Students on medical withdrawal are not eligible to register for courses until approved to return from medical withdrawal.

I. Financial Aid Implications

It is the responsibility of the student to contact the Financial Aid Office individually to discuss the implications of medical withdrawal for their financial aid.

J.  Refunds of Tuition and Fees

The university does not offer financial refunds of any kind for a medical withdrawal regardless of reason.

K. Distribution:

Distributed via the University Catalog and in the SU Graduate and Undergraduate Catalog posted on the Shenandoah University website.



Definitions: Voluntary means the student is requesting to be withdrawn from the university for physical or mental health reasons that are supported by their physician or psychiatrist’s medical documentation.

Involuntary means the university is requiring the student to take a medical withdrawal in order to receive medical treatment for physical or mental health concerns.

Physician means licensed medical doctor (MD) or Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO) or licensed Psychiatrist.


Term means fall semester, spring semester, and summer term (summer I and/or II). 


Distribution of Financial Aid Funds

Financial aid funds applied to a student’s account will be returned to the appropriate program in accordance with mandatory federal, state, private organizations and Shenandoah University requirements. Any remaining amount of credit will then be applied to unpaid charges on the student’s account with any remaining funds being refunded to the student. It is possible for students whose accounts were paid in full at the start of a term to owe payment for the balance of charges after the return of financial aid funds.

Residence Hall Proration Policy

Residence hall charges are refunded on a pro rata basis of 15 weeks per term when a student withdraws for medical and non-medical reasons from the university. Students that vacate the residence hall without prior approval or are removed from the residence halls for disciplinary reasons will not be refunded.

Students are responsible for payment of any debt remaining on the student’s account after tuition and financial aid have been prorated per policies listed above. Payment is due within 30 days of notice. If payment is not received, the account will be assessed 12% annual interest, transferred to collections and the student will be responsible for paying any and all collection expenses and/or attorney fees.