Feb 09, 2025  
Undergraduate Catalog 2018-2019 
Undergraduate Catalog 2018-2019 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Non-Academic Policies

Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy

Since alcohol and drug use are governed by national social policy as well as state and federal law, and as the use and abuse of such substances are frequently associated with harm to self and others, Shenandoah University takes alcohol and drug violations seriously. All known offenders face conduct charges and may be subject to arrest. All known violations of the alcohol and drug policies fall under Shenandoah University’s progressive discipline system in which succeeding violations entail more serious consequences, including possible suspension and dismissal from the university.

The following are prohibited:

  • possessing or using alcoholic beverages by any student (or guest of a student) under the age of 21;
  • possessing or using alcoholic beverages by any student in areas where alcohol is not permitted;
  • providing alcohol to anyone under the age of 21;
  • possessing common containers or implements including but not limited to kegs, branded bottles and beer-pong balls on university property;
  • being intoxicated in public;
  • having open containers of alcohol in an unlicensed public place;
  • transporting unconcealed or open alcohol containers in public on Shenandoah University property;
  • violating any local and state alcohol laws; and
  • serving alcohol to students on university property and/or at off-campus universitysponsored events without prior approval from the vice president for student life.

Enforcement Practices

The use of alcoholic beverages on campus must be in compliance with federal, state and local laws. Violators of laws concerning drug and alcohol use are subject to arrest. Members of the Shenandoah community are responsible for knowing the laws governing their actions. Penalties determined by the courts for these violations include suspension of driver’s license, fines and imprisonment. The following regulations apply to the legal use of alcoholic beverages on campus by individuals and for approved social events:

Virginia Alcohol Regulations

  1. The Commonwealth of Virginia prohibits the purchase, possession or consumption of all alcoholic beverages by persons under the age of 21. This is a Class 1 misdemeanor in which anyone found in violation would pay a fine of between $500 and $2,500 and/or perform a minimum of 50 hours of community work. The person’s driver’s license maybe suspended for up to a year and he/she may be confined in jail for not more than 12 months.
  2. It is a violation of state and federal law to purchase alcoholic beverages for, or to serve alcoholic beverages to, a person under the age of 21. This is also a Class 1 misdemeanor. (See possible punishments above.)
  3. Intoxication and /or damage to public or private property are against the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia and the regulations of Shenandoah. Intoxication is defined as a blood alcohol content of .08 percent or more and/or offensive, disruptive, destructive, hazardous and/or vulgar conduct during or following the consumption of alcohol.
  4. It is unlawful to present false identification in order to purchase or consume alcohol and to give or permit to sell alcohol to persons under 21. Possible penalties include a $1,000 fine and/or 12 months in jail.
  5. Commonwealth of Virginia law prohibits the consumption of alcoholic beverages in unlicensed public places. One possible penalty is a fine of $100.
  6. Virginia statutes prohibit public drunkenness and provide for the transporting of public inebriates to detoxification centers. Purchasing or possessing alcoholic beverages while intoxicated can result in a fine of $1,000 and/or 12 months in jail.
  7. It is against Virginia law for anyone under the age of 21 to operate any motor vehicle after illegally consuming alcohol. Any such person with a blood alcohol concentration of 0.02 or more shall be punishable by forfeiture of the person’s driver’s license for a period of 6 months and a fine of up to $500.
  8. Virginia law prohibits operation of motor vehicles while the operator has a blood alcohol concentration of 0.08 percent or more or while such a person is under the influence of any narcotic drug. Penalties for driving while intoxicated include fines, license revocation and jail sentences.

Virginia Drug Regulations

  1. Under local, state and federal laws, it is unlawful to possess, use, manufacture, sell, give or distribute a controlled substance or an imitation controlled substance. Any person in violation with respect to a Schedule I or II controlled substance will be subject to fines and imprisonment.
  2. It is against Virginia law to possess drug paraphernalia. Drug paraphernalia is defined as all equipment, products and materials of any kind that are either designed for use or are intended by the person charged for use in planting, propagating, manufacturing, producing, processing, preparing, packaging, storing, concealing, injecting, inhaling, etc. At Shenandoah, incidents involving illegal drugs and/or paraphernalia typically involve the assistance of local law enforcement.

Regulations for Social Events

  1. Social events where alcoholic beverages are served must be approved – in writing – 72 hours in advance by the vice president for student life (or designee) and must be sponsored by registered clubs or organizations. Legal I.D.s are required in all cases. No one under the age of 21 will be served.
  2. Common source alcoholic beverage containers (e.g. kegs, beer balls, pony kegs, box wines and mixed alcohol punch in containers greater than 750 ml) or the amount of alcohol equivalent to a common source alcohol beverage container, whether empty or full are not permitted in any residence hall or any university owned or operated property without prior approval from the vice president of student life (or designee).
  3. The consumption of alcoholic beverages at social functions is limited to areas specifically approved by the vice president for student life (or designee).
  4. Alternative nonalcoholic beverages must be available in sufficient quantity for those who choose not to consume alcohol. Food must also be available for the entire event.
  5. The sponsoring organization (i.e., its members and officers) will be held responsible for violations of Shenandoah’s drug and alcohol policy and thus subject to disciplinary and/or civil action.
  6. Alcohol service must be consistent with the Virginia ABC regulations.


Shenandoah recognizes that drug or alcohol abuse may be symptomatic of a serious addiction and for this reason the sanctions and consequences of abuse may include assessment and the opportunity for engaging in resources. Failure to comply with a recommended treatment program may result in dismissal from Shenandoah. Infractions of this drug and alcohol policy will be reported to the vice president for student life for action.

Parental Notification Policy: Alcohol and Other Drugs

Shenandoah University alcohol and other drug policies and practices strive to educate and inspire students to be critical, reflective thinkers and empower them to be ethical decision makers with attention to their own safety and the safety of the community. In keeping with its mission, Shenandoah informs students regarding the dangers associated with substance abuse and the improper or illegal use of alcohol or other drugs. In addition, the university intervenes to engage students who commit alcohol or drug-related violations or who demonstrate a pattern of substance abuse.

In an effort to educate students and their families regarding decision making, Shenandoah will partner with parents and other family members as appropriate with the ultimate goal of student success and community safety.

Minor First Violations

Minor first alcohol violations do not necessarily trigger notification. Minor violations include but are not limited to:

  • underage possession of alcohol;
  • underage consumption of alcohol; and
  • open container of alcohol.

In the case of a first offense for these minor violations, Shenandoah provides students with educational resources and opportunities to change their behavior on their own. Most grow through the experience and change their behavior. The few who have subsequent violations deserve and require the shared attention of university and family.

Major or Subsequent Violations

Behaviors that trigger parental notification are major violations and patterns of behavior. The following parental notification practices apply when a student is claimed as a dependent by a parent for federal tax purposes or is under 21-years old.

  1. Major Violations
    Whenever a Shenandoah student is found responsible for a major alcohol- or drug-related violation, the student’s parent(s) or guardian(s) may be notified by the university. Violations that trigger notifications under this major violation category include but are not limited to:
    • arrest
    • hospitalization
    • driving under the influence
    • public drunkenness
    • supplying alcohol to those who are under age
    • drug distribution
    • unauthorized possession or use of controlled substances
  2. Pattern of Behavior
    When the Division of the Student Life becomes aware that a student has engaged in a pattern of behavior involving alcohol and/or drugs, the vice president for student life (or designee) may notify the student’s parent(s) or guardian(s). Violations that trigger notification under the pattern of behavior category include but are not limited to:
    • frequent or severe episodes of alcohol use
    • repeated drunkenness
    • binge drinking
    • drug use

When making a notification under this policy – time and circumstances permitting – the vice president for student life (or designee) will encourage the student to participate in or make the initial call to his/her parent(s)/guardian(s). The vice president or designee may follow through with a direct call to the student’s parent(s)/guardian(s).

Parental notification under this policy is in addition to the intervention and education programs already offered to students. Intervention may include one or more of the following:

  • substance abuse assessment by a trained clinician
  • psychological assessment by a trained clinician
  • substance abuse counseling
  • enrollment in educational programs
  • sanctions imposed for violations of Shenandoah University’s Student Code of Conduct

The vice president for student life (or designee) will make such parental notifications unless the university decides such notifications are not in the student’s best interest. When the university decides not to make a parental notification, other resources will be offered to the student.

A notification under this policy is authorized by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, 20 U.S.C. 1232g (FERPA), which permits the disclosure of information from education records to parents of dependent students. Shenandoah University reserves the right in its sole discretion to notify parents of alcohol- or drug-related incidents falling outside this policy to the extent permitted by FERPA or other applicable law.

Automobile Regulations

All automobiles and other vehicles must be registered with the Department of Public Safety in accordance with the university’s Student and Employee Parking Policies. All vehicles registered and parked on Shenandoah-owned or operated properties must display a current state license plate, inspection decal and a current Shenandoah University decal.

The privilege of having an automobile on campus may be revoked at any time by the vice president for student life (or designee) when it is determined this privilege is being abused.

Read the detailed Parking Policy at the Department of Public Safety’s website or pick up a copy at its office in the Wilkins Building.

Bicycles and Motorized Bicycles

Motorized bicycles, commonly referred to as mopeds, shall not be parked in buildings or parked so as to block entranceways, and may not be driven on lawns or sidewalks. A person may not secure a bicycle to a fire hydrant, pole, light pole or device on which notice has been posted forbidding the securing of bicycles.

Bicycles may not be locked where they would obstruct or impede vehicular traffic or pedestrian movement. This includes handrails, exit discharge areas and handicapped ramps and access ways. Violation of this policy may result in a fine of $20. When a bicycle is found restricting emergency egress or handicapped access, it may be impounded or immobilized and the owner will be issued a parking violation notice. Abandoned bicycles will be removed and donated.

Camping and Shelter Construction

Construction of shelters, camping or sleeping out on Shenandoah-owned or operated properties is prohibited unless approved in writing by the vice president for student life.

Computer Misuse

A student who is found responsible of misusing a Shenandoah-owned computer or the Shenandoah-owned computer network shall be subject to the maximum sanction of dismissal or any lesser sanction deemed appropriate. This includes student using privately owned computers or equipment that accesses the university-owned network either on or off campus.

Below is a partial list of acts that violate this policy:

  • committing computer fraud, creating false identities, forgery, harassment, personal abuse, trespassing, theft, embezzlement or invasion of privacy;
  • using the computer to examine, modify or copy programs or data other than one’s own without proper authorization;
  • distributing or interfering with the normal use of the computers, computer-related equipment, data and programs of individuals, the network or the university;
  • attempting to breach security in any manner;
  • sending or displaying harassing messages through email, text messaging any electronic media (a harassing message is any message that is unsolicited, inappropriate or deemed harmful to the recipient); and
  • using a computer account for any purpose other than which it was assigned.

For a complete list and full policy, contact the Institutional Computing Department.

Copyright Policy

All members of the Shenandoah University community must comply with federal copyright law (U.S. Code Title 17).Copyright infringement is defined as unauthorized possession or sharing of copyrighted materials, including but not limited to music, movies, computer software and games, videos or any other media which requires a license to possess. Sharing of copyrighted material without permission is a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) and this policy. Both the entertainment and software industries actively monitor the Internet for possible copyright infringements with legal action becoming more common. The law requires the University to respond expeditiously when notified that a user is violating copyright law.

Examples of copyright infringement include, but are not limited to sharing files through: 

  • Email
  • Peer-to-Peer (P2P) file-sharing programs/services
  • Posting materials on an Internet web page or folders
  • Instant message file transfers
  • Sharing of physical media (CD-ROMs, DVD, USB thumb drives, flash memory, and hard drives) 

If the University receives a valid subpoena, it is obligated to turn over any electronic information we have regarding specific instances of data transmitted via our networks.

Hazing (Virginia Law)

Pursuant to Section 18.2-56 of the Code of Virginia, voluntarily participation by members will not be admissible as defense against a charge of hazing.

Any person found guilty of hazing shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor, unless the injury would be such as to constitute a felony. In that event the punishment shall be as otherwise provided by law for the punishment of such a felony. Any person receiving bodily injury by hazing or mistreatment shall have a right to sue, civilly, the person or persons guilty thereof, whether adults or infants.

Public Postings and Advertisements on Campus

Individuals, organizations and businesses that want to post printed material of any kind on Shenandoah University property or within Shenandoah-operated buildings must first obtain written approval from the student life information coordinator in the Brandt Student Center. Materials must be appropriately posted so it does not block signs or damage university property.

Religious Groups Policies and Guidelines

Guidelines for religious groups at Shenandoah are as follows:

  1. The dean of spiritual life has responsibility for coordinating religious activities at Shenandoah. Religious groups that want to invite an off-campus religious leader to speak or minister on campus need to clear the visit with the Office of Spiritual Life.
  2. Religious groups seeking formal recognition should notify, and receive permission from, the dean of spiritual life and follow established procedures for organizational recognition and registration.

Sales, Solicitation and Fundraisers

Individuals and student organizations planning to conduct sales, solicitations and fundraising activities on or off campus and/or requiring a contractual agreement with non-Shenandoah agencies, must obtain the written approval of the director of student engagement (or designee). Non-student and non-Shenandoah-related individuals and organizations may not sell or solicit on Shenandoah University property without permission from the director of student engagement. Door-to-door solicitation is prohibited.

Any authorized sales, solicitations and fundraising activities are subject to applicable Shenandoah University regulations and local, state and federal laws. Requests may be approved for a specific area on campus or for pre-approved off-campus-locations. No solicitation shall interfere or conflict with the mission of the Shenandoah University. Any profits derived from sales, solicitations and fundraising activities on and off campus must be used for a purpose consistent with Shenandoah University policy and with the purpose of the sponsoring student organization.


Smoking in any university building or within 30 feet of any entrance or window is prohibited. Smoking is defined as the lighting or burning of any pipe, cigar, cigarette, electronic cigarette (aka vaping) or other product. Shenandoah University is committed to providing a safe, healthy and pleasant learning and work environment for its students and employees.

Sound Amplification Equipment

Shenandoah reserves the right to specify where and when sound amplification equipment may be used. Permission and specification for use of sound amplification equipment on campus must be obtained from the director of student engagement (or designee).

Student of Concern

A student of concern is any student who displays behaviors that may adversely affect a student’s ability to be successful in the university environment.

To report a student of concern complete the online form at www.su.edu, search “Student of Concern.”The report will be directed to the university’s Care Team.

When a Student of Concern report is filed, the case manager will respond, letting the reporter know it is being reviewed by the Care Team. A member of the team may follow up with the individual who filed the report. A member of the team may, if needed, reach out to the student of concern to assess what resources may benefit the student. An action plan will be developed for the student to reduce obstacles to his/her success at Shenandoah, and the student’s progress will be monitored. In some cases the referring person may not receive specific information about the student’s action plan.

Any student, family member, faculty or staff member can play an essential role in helping a student in distress. Expressions of interest, concern and compassion are important factors toward providing a student necessary assistance.
When an individual appears to be a threat to the safety of self or others, call 911. For on-campus situations, also call the Department of Public Safety at (540) 678-4444. (Call 4444 from any campus landline phone.)

For more information about “Student of Concern,” contact the dean of students or case manager at (540) 545-7399.

Troubling Behaviors:

  • frequently falling asleep in class;
  • dramatic change in energy level (high or low);
  • changes in hygiene or appearance;
  • significant changes in weight;
  • frequent alcoholic intoxication;
  • noticeable cuts, bruises or burns;
  • repeated absences from class, work or normal activities;
  • apathy and/or extreme change in participation levels;
  • frequent requests for extensions or exceptions for extenuating circumstances;
  • sending troubling communications such as frequent, lengthy, rants or agitated emails to professors, advisors, coaches or supervisors;
  • emotional outbursts of anger, hostility or frequent crying;
  • noticeable personality changes; more withdrawn or more animated than usual;
  • expressions of hopelessness, fear or worthlessness; themes of suicide, death or dying; and/or
  • direct statements of distress, family issues or other difficulties.

Disruptive Behaviors:

  • interferes with or disrupts the educational process, the rights of others and/or the normal functions of the university;
  • uses demanding, verbally abusive, bullying or intimidating behaviors;
  • displays extreme irritability; and/or
  • shows irrational or impulsive behaviors.

Threatening Behaviors:

  • direct threat to harm self or others;
  • references access to or use of a weapon or an act of violence;
  • threatening communication;
  • signs of physical abuse; and/or
  • physical/verbal confrontations.

Student Organizations

The Office of Student Engagement (OSE) supports a variety of student organizations, and these groups provide opportunities for social, professional, humanitarian as well as academic development for students. Types of student organizations include academic and professional, fine and creative arts, intercultural and international, sports and recreation, religious and special interest groups. OSE encourages students to take active roles in campus organizations. Being involved with an existing organization or starting a new one is a great way to meet new people and can quickly connect a student to the Shenandoah community and beyond.

OSE welcomes the formation of new organizations at any point during the academic year. New organizations keep the campus alive with student interest and innovation. To register an organization, more information on student organizations or for details on how to form a new club, contact the director of student engagement.

Doug Stump, Director of Student Engagement
(540) 665-5445

Unauthorized Use of University Property or Documents

Students shall not use, possess or sell any parking permits, student I.D.s, keys or official Shenandoah University documents.

Housing and Residence Life Policies


All Shenandoah University students have rights and responsibilities when living on campus. Living on campus provides unique opportunities to be part of a diverse community with an emphasis on personal growth and development. Each residence hall is staffed with Residence Life personnel trained in peer counseling, programming and policy enforcement. They assist residents in developing community standards that respect individual and community rights and responsibilities. Resident assistants (RAs) are supervised by area coordinators (ACs) who are live-in, trained full-time professional staff members. ACs are charged with building community and administering policies and procedures.


See Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy.

Breaks (Fall, Winter and Spring)

Students may occupy their rooms on the dates specified by Shenandoah University and are expected to vacate them during fall break, Thanksgiving break, winter break and spring break and within 24 hours of their final examinations at the end of each semester. Residents are expected to clean their rooms, remove all trash and perishable food as well as set the heat to 68 degrees or the air conditioning to 74 degrees before leaving for any break. Failure to complete any of these tasks will result in fines and conduct violations. Residents who demonstrate a need to occupy their rooms during any of the above breaks may request permission from the director of residence life (or designee). Residents who request and are approved to remain on campus during breaks will be charged a fee. Failure to pay the fee by the designated deadline will result in additional fees. Students with significant conduct histories as determined by the dean of students (or designee) may be denied the privilege of remaining on campus over breaks. Residents are not permitted to have overnight guests during university breaks. When the dining hall is closed, residents remaining on campus are responsible for their own meals.

Entering a residence hall during breaks without permission from the director of residence life (or designee) is prohibited and results in a minimum fine of $50 (in addition to the break fee). This precaution is for the safety and protection of students authorized to remain on campus and property in residence halls.

Students may not be able to live on campus when the entire university is closed for scheduled breaks.

Bulletin Board Damage

Bulletin boards are located in all residence halls. Resident assistants are responsible for the content of these boards. All non Residence Life generated notices/fliers for residence halls must be approved by the student life communication coordinator prior to being posted. The Residence Life Office reserves the right to approve content. Unapproved notices/fliers will be removed and discarded. Students found responsible for bulletin board or whiteboard vandalism (writing graffiti, tampering with the board, removing, damaging or destroying information, etc.) will receive disciplinary sanctions that include restoration of the bulletin board and a minimum $50 fine.

Check-In and Check-Out Procedures


Each residence hall is inspected by the Residence Life staff before new residents move in. Students are required to fill out Room Condition Forms. Students should note any damage or missing items on the Room Condition Form to avoid being charged when they check out. Any damage not attributed to a single student will be split between roommates. Residence Life staff inspect all rooms for damage and will assign charges. Damages are billed to the resident(s).

Early Check-In

Residents must abide by the appointed schedule for arrival. Early arrival is limited to students deemed essential to university functions and who have prior approval of the director of residence life. Students are not permitted to move in early if they do not have prior authorization.


Residents must officially check out with their Residence Life staff before leaving school or changing rooms. Residence Life staff members must be present at check out. Students are responsible for leaving rooms in the same condition in which they were found. This includes thoroughly cleaning the room, cleaning the bathroom if applicable, emptying trash and removing all non-university furniture and belongings. The room key must be turned in at this time and noted on the resident’s Room Condition Form. All expenses incurred as a result of damages are the responsibility of the resident(s). Charges are assessed upon a mutual understanding between roommates, and lacking agreement, the charges will be divided. Signed written statements indicating who specifically should be charged can be submitted to the Resident Director. Room cleaning charges range from $25 to $200 per student.

Abandoned Property

Any non-university owned property left on campus at the end of an academic year or after a student leaves Shenandoah will be disposed of if not claimed within 24 hours. This includes bicycles. A minimum $50 room clearing charge will be assessed against any student who fails to remove his/her items of personal property within 24 hours of check-out or separation from the university.

Express Check-Out

Express Check-Out allows greater flexibility for residential students. Residents need to pick up key envelopes, sign the “express checkout” section of the Express Checkout Envelope, put the key inside the envelope, and return it to a Residence Life staff member. Damages will be determined by the staff member after the resident(s) have departed. Residents may not appeal fines if they use Express Check-Out.


Custodians routinely clean public areas, including stairways, halls, laundry rooms, public bathrooms and lounges. Students are expected to maintain orderly and sanitary conditions in their rooms and bathroom areas, including disposal of personal trash into university trash bins. Items left in laundry rooms will be disposed of after 24 hours.

Common Areas

Residential students are responsible for damage done to the common areas of residence halls. Common areas are lounges, bathrooms, hallways, laundry rooms, stairways, etc. If damage occurs to furniture, floors, walls, ceilings and fixtures in common areas, Residence Life staff and Department of Public Safety officers will determine who is responsible for the damage. In the event an individual(s) cannot be identified, repair and/or replacement costs will be charged to all residents of the floor and/or building.

Students, organizations or university representatives may use a residence hall lounge area if a reservation request is made through the hall’s area coordinator at least 48 hours in advance. Reservations for the courtyard area of Edwards Residential Village (volleyball & grill area) should be made by contacting the director of residence life.

Conduct Infringing on Others

All pranks and/or careless, irresponsible behavior is unacceptable, especially if the behavior causes or has the potential to cause damage to university or personal property, or causes personal injuries or infringes on the rights of others. Such behaviors include but are not limited to water fights and shaving cream fights as well as throwing, kicking or bouncing balls, Frisbees and other similar items inside or against residence halls. Throwing objects against the exterior of any university building is prohibited.

Electrical Appliances, Cords and Multi-Plug Adaptors

Major Appliances

A major appliance is defined as any appliance that draws 4 or more amps of electricity when in use; the amount of amperage is usually stated on the appliance. (Resident director can assist students who are unsure about a particular appliance.) All major appliances such as coffee pots, mini-refrigerators (3.1 cubic feet or less), microwaves (1000 watts or less), hair dryers, curling irons, curlers, etc., must be directly plugged into wall receptacles; extension cords may not be used in the halls. *New for incoming students 2018; all appliances must be energy star compliant.

Because of high voltage and/or exposed heating elements, the following appliances are not permitted in residence halls:

  • electric blankets
  • halogen lamps, lava lamps
  • hot plates, toaster ovens, crock-pots, electric fry pans, bread machines, George Foreman grills
  • window air conditioner units, portable heaters, open burners

Irons may be used only on ironing boards.

Extension Cords

**Extension cords are prohibited in all residence halls.**

Multi-Plug Adaptors

  1. No more than one (1) power-bar adapter with surge protectors are to be plugged in per wall outlet. Power-bar outlets with surge protectors are not to be plugged into each other.

  2. Power-bar adaptors with surge protectors may not exceed 6-feet in length and must be “heavy-duty.” Heavy duty is defined as a cord with no less than 14-gauge wire.
  3. Only one major appliance may be plugged into any wall-type multi-plug-in adapter.
  4. Electrical wires may not run through doors, windows and/or holes in the floor, ceiling or walls. Wires may not be nailed or tacked into any surfaces.
  5. Electrical wires may not run around or under bed frames, mattresses, furniture, carpeting, file cabinets or any other fixtures, that can conceal or damage the cords.

General Safety

  1. Electronics should be evenly distributed around a room.
  2. All wires must be clear of foot traffic routes and not placed under beds, furniture or other items.
  3. Wires should never be taped to metal beds.
  4. Frayed cords and lamps without shades should not be used.

False Fire Alarms

Virginia law strictly prohibits anyone from tampering with fire and safety equipment. Falsely pulling fire alarms, discharging fire extinguishers, removing exit signs and fire procedure signs, etc., will lead to disciplinary action and possible criminal prosecution. Any student who knows a false fire alarm has been sounded should immediately notify the Residence Life staff and/or the Department of Public Safety. Any student found responsible for falsely pulling a fire alarm will incur severe conduct sanctions, potential hall re-location or removal from housingand a disciplinary fine.

Fire Drills

Fire drills are scheduled throughout the year as required by state law. Participation in drills is mandatory. All fire alarms should be considered as fire alerts, and the building must be immediately evacuated. Refusing to evacuate constitutes a hazard to fire officials and results in disciplinary and/or legal action, including a minimum $25 fine and an educational sanction.

Fire Safety Regulations

Residence Life staff is fully prepared to support and encourage all students in promoting fire safety. Students should present their concerns or ideas for safer residence halls. The following regulations are in effect for student safety:

  1. The use of or possession of any dangerous chemical or explosive materials such as fireworks, incendiary devices, lighter fluid, gunpowder or gasoline is strictly prohibited.
  2. Tampering with or setting off fire alarms, smoke detectors, fire extinguishers or intentionally lighting a fire in a Shenandoah building is prohibited.
  3. The possession of hookahs, candles, oil lamps, incense or other open-flame items is prohibited as well as substances that result in producing an offensive odor.
  4. Motorcycles and bicycles may not be kept in hallways, stairwells, attached to fire equipment or placed in any manner that interferes with exit from buildings. Bicycle racks on campus are for students’ use.
  5. Parachutes, sheets, fish nets, tapestries and other large flammable items are not allowed to be suspended from residence hall ceilings.

Furniture (University Owned)

University-owned furniture from common areas should never be placed in students’ rooms. Furniture from vacant residence hall rooms may not be moved into another room; this includes mattresses. Residents who are found in possession of university-owned furniture not assigned to their rooms will face disciplinary action, including a minimum fine of $50. Residence hall room furniture and other items belonging to Shenandoah University may not be moved out of a room. Missing furniture will be charged to the resident(s) at full replacement cost.

Guests of Residents

Residents may host overnight guests. Residents must have prior permission from their roommates to have overnight guests. Guests may not reside on campus for more than three nights per month unless the director of residence life grants special permission. Guests include other Shenandoah University students who do not reside in the room. Parking permits for guests can be obtained from the Department of Public Safety. Guests must adhere to Shenandoah regulations while on campus. The residential student with whom the guest is visiting must escort his/her guest through the residence hall. Guests may not be in a residential room without their student host present. Residents are responsible for the conduct of their guests, regardless of the length of the visit. Guests may not use the community kitchen without being accompanied by their host.  

Holiday Decorations

  1. All decorations must be made of fire-resistant materials.
  2. Live Christmas trees or greenery are not permitted in residence hall rooms or hallways.
  3. No holiday lights are permitted in residence hall rooms or hallways.
  4. Decorations must be removed before leaving for winter break. Artificial snow must be removed thoroughly. Decorations left during winter break will be removed and discarded and the hall/group responsible for the decorations will be billed.
  5. All decorations on the exterior of residence halls will be left to the discretion of the residence life staff.
  6. Residence life staff will inspect rooms to insure that decorations are safe.

Housing Agreement

Students who want to live on campus will be provided housing if (1) they are an admitted student and (2) have submitted a housing application/housing contract by June 1 for the next fall semester and by Dec. 1 for the spring semester.

Students who cease to be full-time (minimum of 12 credits undergraduate and 9 credits graduate) and/or who for all practical purposes drop out of school (i.e. do not attend class) will be required to leave the residence hall within 48 hours. Students still attending class but dropped or withdrawn from a class making them less than full-time status need approval from the director of residence life to continue living in their residence hall.  

Students removed from residence halls for violations of university conduct policies will still be held to the financial obligations for the housing contract for the remainder of the current academic semester.

Shenandoah University reserves the right to change or cancel any room assignment in situations in which the health, community and/or good order is jeopardized, as deemed by the dean of students.

When only one person occupies a double occupancy residence hall room, consolidation will be required and Residence Life reserves the right to fill the vacancy. A resident who engages in conduct designed or intended to dissuade or intimidate another student from moving into a room, or who otherwise attempts to manipulate the housing assignment process, will face disciplinary action.

Shenandoah University is not liable for the personal property of its students. The university’s property insurance does not cover students’ personal property; it is each student’s responsibility to obtain personal property insurance. Students should consult with their parent(s) or guardian(s) regarding the availability of coverage under the parent’s/guardian’s homeowners or tenants policy. If parents or guardians have no insurance coverage, but coverage is desired, students are encouraged to purchase personal effects coverage.

Students are responsible for damages in university-owned residence halls or other rented/leased areas in which they live. Costs of repairs and/or replacement of damaged property and/or restitution will be charged to the student(s) responsible and judicial action may be taken.

Housing Policy

Full-time undergraduate students are required to live in university residence halls during their first two years as Shenandoah students and for the full academic years. Exceptions include students who are married, living at their parents’ or guardians’ homes within 40 miles of Shenandoah or are over the age of 22. These students must complete an Off-Campus Housing Request Form, which is available in Residence Life’s Cooley Hall office. Housing contracts are in effect for the entire academic year. Upper-class students have until June 30 to cancel their Housing Contracts for the upcoming year. Students who break their contracts after June 30 are charged a fee of at least $500 to be released from the contracts in addition to any room and board charges until the date the student checks out. Students entering their second year at Shenandoah who do not apply for housing are randomly assigned to a room and billed for a 15-meal plan for the upcoming academic year.

Key Duplication, Lock-Outs and Possession of Master Key

Shenandoah prohibits students from duplicating keys. Students who lose keys should immediately contact a member of the Residence Life staff for replacements. When a student loses his/her residence hall room key, the lock cylinder must be re-cored for safety reasons and a new key issued as soon as possible. The cost to the student is $100.

Any student who needs access to his/her room after two previous lock-outs is charged $10 for each additional lockout.

Any student found with an unauthorized master key or building key is subject to fines as well as disciplinary action. Any student who uses a master key to enter another student’s room or Shenandoah University office or other facilities is subject to disciplinary action.


When available, university beds may be bunked. The university does not permit lofts.


While the university is responsible for routine maintenance, each residential student is responsible for reporting maintenance concerns by submitting an electronic work order. If a repair is not made within 48 hours of filing a report, contact the RA to submit a second request. If a repair is still not made, contact the area coordinator.

The university provides electrical power, heat and water and maintains these utilities under controllable conditions. Residents must understand that, as a condition of this policy, the university is not be responsible or liable for any damage or loss to students’ personal property caused by the failure of such utilities, no matter the reason. Moreover, Shenandoah University is not in breach of this policy if such utility service is suspended for any reason. If the premises are rendered unsafe or unfit for occupancy, the university will offer alternative housing if it is available.

Noise Policy

Students are expected to use discretion with regard to noise in residence halls. Consideration of others is expected at all times. Stereos, TVs and radios must be kept at volumes that cannot be clearly heard outside a room. In general, musical instruments may not be played inside residence halls; the exception is instruments that can be played with the use of earphones. Practice rooms are available in conservatory buildings for vocal and instrumental practice. A violation of Quiet Hours is cause for disciplinary action.

Quiet Hours ensure an environment conducive to student learning and wellbeing. Quiet Hours are:

  • Sunday night through Friday morning: 10 p.m. to 8 a.m.
  • Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights: midnight to 10 a.m.

Whenever Quiet Hours are not in effect, Courtesy Hours are enforced in each residence hall. Courtesy Hours encourage each student to be responsible for his/her hall community. Consideration for one another is essential to maintaining a positive learning environment. Violation of Courtesy Hours is cause for disciplinary action. From the last day of classes until the last day of exams, Quiet Hours are in effect 24 hours each day.

Room Changes

Students may request to change roommates after the second week of each semester. Residence Life will first try to help the roommates repair their relationship through mediation. If mediation is unsuccessful, the resident director may recommend a room change. Room Change Forms are available in the Office of Residence Life. Each roommate is required to obtain permission prior to the change. Once a room change is approved, the move must occur within 48 hours unless the director of residence life (or designee) grants special permission. A minimum fine of $50 may be levied against any student who changes rooms without receiving proper approval. Students may not request room changes during mid-term and final examinations week.

Room Entry, Inspection and Search Policy

Shenandoah University reserves the right of entry by authorized personnel to any room to protect the health and welfare students and the Shenandoah community. University officials will exercise this right in any emergent situation or when there is reason to believe that Shenandoah University or civil laws are being broken.

Room Search

Shenandoah University has a right to enter and search rooms with just cause, as long as the entry and search are not done in an arbitrary and capricious manner that unnecessarily deprives a student of fundamental fairness. The intent of this policy is to provide protection for the rights of each Shenandoah student, while at the same time providing Residence Life, Department of Public Safety and Shenandoah administrators the means to maintain and protect the educational environment necessary for the university to fulfill its primary purpose.

Authorized Entry and Search

When an individual has reasonable cause to believe a student has violated a Shenandoah policy, and the relevant or prohibited materials remain in a room or suite, a request may be made for an authorized entry and search. The request should be directed to the appropriate Student Life staff member who will inform the vice president for student life (or designee). After considering the request, the vice president for student life (or designee) may give authorization to conduct an authorized entry and search of a student’s room for specified items.

Health & Safety Inspections

Health & Safety inspections are held once a month by resident assistants and/or resident directors. Inspections are announced either by email or printed fliers at least 48 hours in advance. The primary objective is to maintain a safe and healthy living environment. When health or safety risks are discovered, or prohibited items are found, those items are removed. Confiscated items will not be returned to the student or guest. Some items may be retrieved by the student and taken home during their next university break. Resident assistants will show residents the proper methods to correct potentially problematic situations. If the resident is not present for the inspection, the situation will be corrected and a note left for the resident. Repeated health and safety failures will result in a conduct meeting. Health and safety inspections are also opportunities for residents to make staff aware of needed repairs.

Custodial and Maintenance Room Entry

Shenandoah University reserves the right of entry by custodial and maintenance personnel in performance of necessary repairs and/or improvement to the residence hall. Custodial and maintenance staff will leave hang tags giving notice that they have performed work in a room if no residents are present.

Emergency Entry

Residence Life and Department of Public Safety staff members may, without verbal or written authorization from a higher authority, enter a student’s room either forcibly or with a building master key in cases of fire, explosion, bomb threat, attempted or suspected suicide or other situations that call for immediate entry.

Any unauthorized or illegal items observed in a room during an emergency entry may result in an investigation after the emergency has passed. If vandalism, arson, assault or other violations of Shenandoah policy are suspected in a room, appropriate Shenandoah officials may be called upon to conduct an investigation. The results of such an investigation may result in disciplinary action and/or criminal prosecution.

Single Rooms

For the first two years, most residential students live in a double-occupancy room. Single-occupancy rooms are limited. When available, single rooms are assigned first by need such as documented medical need, and then others may be available during the housing lottery process. When a student does not have a roommate in a double-occupancy room, Shenandoah University reserves the right to fill the vacancy.


Smoking in any university building or within 30 feet of any entrance or window is prohibited. Smoking is defined as the lighting or burning of any pipe, cigar, cigarette, electronic cigarette (aka vaping) or other product. Shenandoah University is committed to providing a safe, healthy and pleasant learning and work environment for its students and employees.


Storage space beyond what is provided in each residence hall room, is not available for residential students. All personal possessions must be removed when students leave the residence halls at the end of the academic year.

Visitation Guidelines

Visitation is permitted only when roommates agree to the visitor and the length of the visit does not violate the guest policy. (See Guests of Residents.) If visitation privileges are abused, the residential student may lose this privilege and no longer be permitted to have any guests in his/her room.

Shenandoah University’s Sexual/Gender Harassment, Discrimination and Sexual Misconduct Policy

Statement Against Discrimination

All members of the Shenandoah University community including guests and visitors have a reasonable expectation to be free from all forms of sex/gender harassment, misconduct, and discrimination. Sexual harassment includes quid pro quo (this for that) and hostile environment harassment. Sexual misconduct occurs when two individuals engage in any sexual acts and one individual does not consent to the sexual act or withdraws/withholds consent to a sexual act. Examples of sexual misconduct can include acts of sexual harassment, sexual assault (which includes both non-consensual sexual contact, nonconsensual sex), sexual exploitation, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. Gender/Sex discrimination occurs when one party is treated differently or singled out because of his/her gender in any education program or activity.

Sexual harassment, discrimination and misconduct violate Shenandoah University policy and federal civil rights law, including the Title IX Education Amendments of 1972. As a recipient of federal funds, the University complies with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX). Title IX provides that: “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.”

All members of the campus community, including visitors and guests, are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that does not infringe upon the rights of others. The university believes in zero tolerance for sex/gender-based misconduct both on and off campus. Zero tolerance means that when an allegation of misconduct is brought to an appropriate administrator’s attention, protective and other remedial measures will be used to reasonably ensure that such conduct ends, is not repeated, and the effects on the victim and community are remedied, including serious sanctions when a responding party is found to have violated this policy. All university employees, staff, and faculty are responsible employees. Responsible employees are required by federal law to report to the Title IX Coordinator any allegations of sexual misconduct that are reported to them. The only employees exempted from this reporting requirement are as follows: The staff at the Wellness Center, the staff and volunteers at the [Not] Just Women’s Center, Rev. Justin Allen, Rev. DeLyn Celec, the counseling staff located in Cooley Hall and Sarah Celec, the Safety & Health Programs Coordinator. These exempted employees are not required to make any reports to the Title IX Coordinator and are considered a confidential resource.

Shenandoah University is committed to investigating and adjudicating reports of sexual harassment, misconduct, and discrimination according to the policies of the University. The University will provide support to both the victim and the responding party throughout the investigative and adjudicatory processes.

The university uses the preponderance of the evidence (also known as “more likely than not”) as a standard for proof of whether a violation occurred. In campus resolution proceedings, legal terms like “guilt,” “innocence” and “burdens of proof” are not applicable, but the university never assumes a responding party is in violation of university policy. Both parties will present their facts and the Title IX Coordinator will determine whether it is more likely than not that an act of sexual misconduct, harassment, or discrimination occurred. Campus resolution proceedings are conducted to take into account the totality of all evidence available, from all relevant sources.

This policy uses the term “victim” instead of “survivor”. This is intentional on our part. Rather than assuming a victim is a survivor, we believe each victim needs to decide at their own pace, whether and how they will become survivors. It is not for us to presume it. Once a victim enters the process, we refer to them as the “reporting party”. Reports brought by individuals other than the recipient of the unwelcome behavior are referred to as “third-party reports” and those bringing them are deemed “third-party reporters”. The person facing an accusation is referred to throughout as the “responding party”.

Lastly, the university’s sex/gender harassment, misconduct, and discrimination policies are not meant to inhibit or prohibit educational content or discussions inside or outside of the classroom that include controversial or sensitive subject matters protected by academic freedom. Academic freedom extends to topics that are pedagogically appropriate and germane to the subject matter of courses or that touch on academic exploration of matters of public concern.

If you think sex/gender harassment, misconduct or discrimination has happened to you or a friend, contact the university’s Title IX Coordinator at nosexualmisconduct@su.edu. We encourage you to report but whether you report or not, Shenandoah has resources for you.

Please refer to the Sexual Misconduct Policy website for the current policy and procedures: www.su.edu/campus-life/shenandoah-universitys-stance-on-sexual-misconduct/.

Transcript Notations Concerning Sexual Violence Violations

A prominent notation shall be placed on the academic transcript for each student who has been suspended, permanently dismissed or withdraws while under investigation for an offense involving sexual violence under Shenandoah University’s Sexual Misconduct Policy.

The notations will read as follows:

  • Permanent Dismissal from Shenandoah University for sexual violence under Shenandoah University’s Sexual Misconduct Policy [begin date through end date].
  • Suspended for a violation of Shenandoah University’s Sexual Misconduct Policy involving sexual violence effective [begin date through end date].
    *Students suspended from the university shall remain out of school for a period of at least one academic semester. After that period, a student can petition for reinstatement through the Dean of Students Office and student conduct. Students not attending class at Shenandoah for three consecutive semesters will need to reapply for admission.
  • Withdrew while under investigation for sexual violence under Shenandoah University’s Sexual Misconduct Policy [begin date through end date].

*This notation shall be removed from the transcript if the student is subsequently found not responsible for a violation of the sexual misconduct policy or not suspended or expelled as a result of a violation of the sexual misconduct policy.

The ABCs of Student Services

Academic Enrichment Center

Howe Hall, Room 204
Director of Learning Resources & Services Holli Phillips
(540) 665-4928

Monday through Friday: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Services in the center include academic skills development workshops such as time management, preparing for tests and learning styles; study skills courses; developmental services and testing to upgrade skills; assistance with academic counseling; free peer tutoring; referral to counseling and Career Services; monitoring academic progress; coordination of programs for students with disabilities; a resource library; and the Writing Center.


Vice President for Student Life Rhonda VanDyke 
Brandt Student Center, Room 119
(540) 665-4862

Vice President for Enrollment Management & Student Success Clarresa Morton
Wilkins Administration Building, Room 239
(540) 665-4517

NOTE: Students are encouraged to resolve issues first by talking to their Residence Life staff or faculty adviser, depending on the situation. Those individuals can point the student to appropriate resources. Before going to the president of the university with issues of academics or campus life, students should meet with either the vice president for student life or the vice president for enrollment management & student success.

Brandt Student Center

Brandt Student Center Manager Myles Hairston
(540) 665-4710

Monday through Friday: 8 a.m. to midnight
Saturday: 10 a.m. to midnight
Sunday: 11 a.m. to midnight
Hours change during breaks and summer months.

Game Room
Monday through Saturday: 11 a.m. to 11 p.m.
Sunday: noon to 11 p.m.
Hours change during breaks and summer months.

Fitness Room
Recreation & Fitness Programs, Matt Levy
(540) 665-4790

Monday through Saturday: 8 a.m. to 11 p.m.
Sunday: 11 a.m. to 11 p.m.
Hours change during breaks and summer months.

A valid SU I.D. card must be presented for entrance to the fitness rooms in the Brandt Student Center and the Health Professions Building. All facilities are free to use.

Mosaic Center for Diversity 
Monday through Friday: 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Saturday: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Hours change during breaks and summer months.

Bulk Mail and Copy Center

Romine Living Center, East Campus Commons
Manager Karen Myers
(540) 665-4528

The Bulk Mail and Copy Center handles large printing projects such as concert programs, posters, flyers, etc. Its fees are comparable to local quick-print shops.

Campus Bookstore

Brandt Student Center, lower level
(540) 665-4523

Monday through Friday: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Saturday: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Campus Mail

Brandt Student Center, main concourse
Manager Zoe Anne Vaughan
(540) 665-4522

Monday through Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Incoming university mail is processed twice a day and distributed to student mailboxes, which are assigned to all full-time residential students. Mail sent to students should be addressed with name and box number followed by Shenandoah University, 1460 University Dr., Winchester VA 22601. Postage stamps, envelopes and some packaging supplies are available for purchase.

Campus Shuttle Service

Mondays through Fridays: 7 a.m. until 11 p.m.

During the academic year, the campus shuttle van starts at East Campus Commons/ Romine Living Center at 7 a.m., with stops at Henkel Hall, Ohrstrom-Bryant Theatre/ Ruebush Hall, Edwards Residential Village, Halpin-Harrison Hall and at the north end of Armstrong Hall. The route takes 30 minutes, with the shuttle returning to East Campus Commons on the hour and the half hour. In case of snow or ice, the shuttle may alter operations. Direct questions to the Department of Public Safety at (540) 678-4444 or safety@su.edu.

Career Services

Cooley Hall, Room 314
Director Jennifer Spataro-Wilson
(540) 665-5412

Career Services works with students throughout all aspects of their career development process, from choosing a major to career changes. Shenandoah University is committed to the belief that career development is a lifelong process influenced by many factors, with the end result being personal satisfaction and a solid career. Services offered include career exploration, experiential learning through internships, volunteer, summer and part-time opportunities, as well as, graduate school search assistance, resume building, interview skills workshops and job search assistance. Career Services also maintains a Credential File Service for students and alumni.

Child Care Center

118 Regency Lakes Dr., Winchester (off Rt. 7, east of main campus)
Director Julie Tavenner
(540) 665-0991

Monday through Friday: 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.

The Shenandoah University Child Care facility offers care for infants through school age. The program is designed to address the child-care needs of Shenandoah University students, faculty and staff who have young children.

City Bus Service

The City of Winchester transit line follows a regular schedule and route. The Millwood Avenue bus provides service from campus to downtown at 10 minutes before the hour, and leaves City Hall for Shenandoah on the half-hour. Service from other areas of the city to downtown is available. A schedule is available at www.winchesterva.gov.

Computer Help Desk

Technology Support Services
Howe Hall, Room 112
(540) 665-5555

Monday through Friday: 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Limited after-hours support via Help Desk phone.

Computer Lab

Halpin-Harrison Hall, Room 142

Monday through Friday: 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.

Dean of Students Office

Sue O’Driscoll
Cooley Hall, Room 212
(540) 545-7399


All over campus, all the time
Student Life Information Coordinator
(540) 665-4933
Find Shenandoah University Student Life on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.

There is rarely a day on campus when there’s nothing to do. Between conservatory performances, athletic events, guest lecturers, special programming, clubs and organizations, a student can be as busy as he/she wants to be – and almost everything on campus is FREE with a Shenandoah University I.D. card. Students are encouraged to check their SU email, read the student newspaper, follow Hornets athletics and Shenandoah University Student Life on social media, be engaged and enjoy all that college life has to offer in and out of the classroom.

Food Services

Allen Dining Hall
Main Campus
(540) 665-4924

Monday through Thursday: 7:15 a.m. to 7:15 p.m.
Friday: 7:15 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday: 9 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Hours change during breaks and summer months.

Brandt Student Center Food Court
Monday through Thursday: 10:30 a.m. to 10:30 p.m.
Friday: 10:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Saturday & Sunday: closed

Grill 155°
Monday through Friday: 7:30 a.m. to 11 p.m.
Saturdays: 1 to 11 p.m.
Sundays: 1 to 10:30 p.m.
Hours change during breaks and summer months.

Brandt Student Center Jazzman’s Cafe
Monday through Friday: 7:30 a.m. to 10:30 p.m.
Saturdays: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Sundays: closed

Health Professions Building Cafe
Monday through Friday: 7:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

Meals are provided for residential and commuting students who have meal plans. In the Allen Dining Hall, students present their I.D. cards at the door for unlimited food and beverage selections and refills. Students not on meal plans or visitors to the campus are encouraged to enjoy the dining service facilities and to pay at the door. Students also have the option of using meal plans or cash at retail outlets in the Brandt Student Center and at the HPB Café at the Winchester Medical Center. There are also off-campus restaurants that accept flex dollars.

Health (Physical and Mental)

See Wilkins Wellness Center.

Health Professions Building Services

Winchester Medical Center Campus
SU security is onsite
Monday through Thursday: 6:30 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Friday: 6:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday: access with valid SU I.D./swipe card

HPB Fitness Room
Access with valid SU I.D./swipe card 24/7

HPB Health Sciences Library
Library staff present
Monday through Friday: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Library is accessible with valid SU I.D./swipe card 24/7

Hornet Central

Wilkins Administration Building, second floor
(540) 665-4514

Tuition, room and board, parking tickets and other fees are paid at the front counter (Accounts Receivable). Work study checks are distributed at this location.

International Programs and Travel

Center for International Programs
Cooley Hall, ground floor
Director International Programs Bethany Galipeau-Konate
(540) 542-6285

Shenandoah offers a wide range of travel opportunities, including its unique Global Citizenship Project, which annually sends dozens of students around the world during spring break – all travel expenses paid by the university. The university is also home to more than 100 students from other countries, and the Center for International Programs serves as an office for international student organizations. The Center encourages all students to broaden their horizons by stopping by the Center first.

Library (Alson H. Smith Library)

Main Campus
Director Christopher Bean
(540) 665-4553

Sunday: 1 p.m. to midnight
Monday through Thursday: 8 a.m. to midnight
Friday: 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Saturday: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.


Located in each residence hall

Laundry facilities are available for use only to Shenandoah University residential students. The Auxiliary Services Office is responsible for addressing any problems with their operation. The cost of operating washers and dryers is 25 cents each.

Lost & Found

Located at the Brandt Student Center Information Desk

(See BSC hours of operation.)

Mosaic Center for Diversity

Brandt Student Center Room 120 

Director of Inclusion & Diversity and Mosaic Center Director Maggie McCampbell Lien 

(540) 545-3531 


Room Reservations


Residence Life 

Cooley Hall, Room 216
Director of Residence Life J. Santiago
(540) 665-4595

Living on campus helps students build foundations for academic and social success. Residential students develop support systems, forge lifelong friendships, meet people from diverse backgrounds and integrate into the campus community. Through immersion in the academic, cultural and social life of the institution, residential students develop skills and tools that lead to student success. For this reason, first and second-year students are required to live on campus, taking advantage of the graduated living options that facilitate students’ development.


Department of Public Safety
Wilkins Hall, Room 144
(540) 678-4444 for assistance 24/7
911 for true emergencies
Director of Public Safety Rick Frye
(540) 545-7338

Shenandoah University stands by the belief that personal safety is the responsibility of the individual, who must be aware of his/her surroundings and use good judgment. The Department of Public Safety is staffed 24/7, and its officers are trained to respond and assist students, employees and guests on campus. Officers routinely patrol campus on foot and in vehicles. Emergency phones are located across campus and are also connected to the Winchester Police Department. Officers also work to educate students and employees about appropriate behavior that increases the safety of the individual as well as the entire campus community.

Shenandoah Outdoor Adventure & Recreation

Brandt Student Center Information Services Desk
Shenandoah Outdoor Adventure & Recreation Coordinator Katie Hecker
(540) 542-6533

Recreation and outdoor programming exist to promote healthy, active lifestyles through recreational and experiential opportunities. Programs and services enhance physical, psychological, ethical, intellectual and social development while fostering community and building relationships. Outdoor programs throughout the year take students to wonderful locations throughout the Shenandoah Valley for a variety of adventures.

Spiritual Life

Goodson Chapel Recital Hall, lower level
Dean of Spiritual Life Justin Allen
(540) 535-3546

The great diversity of faith traditions among Shenandoah’s students enriches the cultural life on campus. Shenandoah encourages mutual respect for various religious perspectives while offering programs that support and nurture spiritual growth. The Spiritual Life staff incorporates a wide variety of opportunities for worship, study, service and spiritual growth. It seeks to weave together spiritual and intellectual journeys. The office sponsors a number of programmatic initiatives that meet students’ desires for prayer, study, ethical reflection, fellowship and service. Weekly Sunday worship is at University Chapel at noon and the weekly Wednesday Night Live service is held at 10 p.m.

Student Government Association

Advisor Doug Stump, Director of Student Engagement
(540) 665-5445

Shenandoah University affirms the rights and responsibilities of students to have a voice in the university’s decision-making process. As a representative body, the members of the Student Government Association are charged with representing student ideas and keeping students updated on key issues at the institution. The Student Government Association officers and representatives serve as voting members of many university policy-making councils and the Board of Trustees.

Title IX Coordinator

Cooley Hall, Room 206
(540) 665-4921

The University’s Title IX Coordinator oversees compliance with all aspects of the sex/gender harassment, discrimination and misconduct policy. The coordinator is housed in the Dean of Students Office. Questions about this policy should be directed to the Title IX Coordinator. Anyone wishing to make a report relating to discrimination or harassment may do so by reporting the concern to the university Title IX Coordinator.

Wilkins Wellness Center

Racey Hall, ground floor overlooking quad
Director Ron Stickley
(540) 665-4530

Monday through Friday: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
closed noon to 1 p.m.

The Mary B. Wilkins Wellness Center is an ambulatory health clinic providing acute care for students as well as health education, physical examinations and preventive health services such as immunizations. The staff includes registered nurses and a part-time family nurse practitioner (FNP). The nurses assess illnesses and injuries and treats according to standard protocols. It is beneficial for students to take advantage of the Wellness Center services whenever possible. Most services are free to all students. Physical examination, pap and immunizations can be obtained at the Center for a nominal charge. However, in the event of a complicated illness or injury, the student may be referred to a local physician or Urgent Care. In the event of an emergency, the student will be referred to Winchester Medical Center emergency department.

Counseling Center
Cooley Hall, Room 301
Director Emily Petkus
(540) 665-4530

The Counseling Center offers short-term personal counseling for a wide variety of mental health and substance-use issues. The Center provides a comfortable, safe and confidential environment that allows students to explore personal concerns. It is in this nurturing setting students can practice strategies for improving decision-making skills, learn healthy coping methods and find support for appropriate resources. Free individual and group therapy is available only to students, however consultation with faculty, staff and parents is also available. The Counseling Center has a relaxation room that features a massage chair, biofeedback, light and aromatherapy, pamphlets and online assessments. The Counseling Center assumes no obligation for long-term therapy and is subject to session limits, but maintains a referral network to a variety of agencies and qualified practitioners in the community.

Writing Center

Howe Hall Room 204
Dr. Doug Enders, director
(540) 665-4845

Monday through Thursday: 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Friday: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

HPB and at NVC hours are posted at www.su.edu/writing_center The Shenandoah University Writing Center takes as its primary mission one-to-one instruction in writing for all students. The conferences between students and Writing Center staff, either face-to-face or online, work to enable students to learn productive habits in pre-writing, drafting, revising, and editing. Using directive and non-directive instructional techniques, the Center’s staff encourages students to do their own work but to value consultation as a valuable part of composing. The ultimate goal of the Center is to develop more able student writers.